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My name is Sapphire. Many think that I am a mermaid who wanted to become human. No, sir! It's the other way around, but not really... You'll see! The other thing is I don't have red hair and green eyes. Thank you, Disney! That's a picture of me above. As you can see, I'm just your average teenaged girl with brownish hair and eyes. Oh, and freckles. And the type of hair which always gets in your face! Anyway... I also didn't live in the era of castles. I'm still alive today and am only eighteen! Well, obviously alive; I'm talking to you!!! Mermaids don't have scale tails, by the way, they have seal tails. I should know, I've seen them! You don't believe me, do you? Well, I'll tell you...

It all started one morning in late summer. I decided to watch the sunrise over the sea. I lived in Cornwall, in a small cottage only a five-minute walk from the rocky coast. It was misty, and the sun was just peeking through the layers. The sea was the color of my namesake and flecked with white spray from the waves. It presented a breathtaking panorama.

I stood awhile watching. A feeling began to creep up on me. A feeling that I NEEDED to go down to our secret cove and have an early morning dip. I tried to shake it off, but it wouldn't leave me. By then, that sensation was totally creeping me out so I turned and walked back home for breakfast.

I opened the gate and was assaulted by my dog, Boots. She was a mutt but looked like a black lab, except for white markings on her paws that looked like boots, hence her name. My dad always joked that she would get her feet dirty. Boots also had a white star on her chest and an absolutely adorable way of looking at you with her puppy eyes that made you melt and do whatever she wanted. I stroked her head and then followed my nose to the kitchen.

Inside was a commotion! My dad was trying to dish himself a plate of cornbread at the same time my brother, Conner, was. Conner hadn't gotten dressed yet and had wrapped his sheet over his pajamas as usual. My mom was trying to wash dishes and get the tea ready AND keep both my brother and dad from taking too much cornbread. I debated retreating back outside until things sorted themselves out but my stomach rumbled. Never mind, I would brave the storm!

I went and helped Mom with the tea, then dished cornbread for myself and poured fruit sauce over it. Conner and my dad were already on the back patio, chowing down. I joined them and soon my mom came over with the tea.

"So, what's the plan for the day?" I inquired.

"Well, your mom and I wanted to take the day off, so we're going off hiking. What you do is up to you and Conner," replied my dad.

"Con, whatcha want to do?" I asked turning to my brother who was inhaling food.

He paused then answered, "How about biking down to the village and seeing Sally and Zach? We could go swimming with them."

I got an uncomfortable feeling at the word swim but ignored it:


Soon, we were off biking down lanes with small white, blue and yellow flowers on either side. I raced Conner down the last hill. He won as usual and we pulled up to Sally and Zach's house by the bay. They welcomed us warmly (Our parents had been friends for forever and we had been friends for half of forever.) and soon after we greeted their parents we were all in suits and walking down the pier. Zach pushed Connor off and dived in after. They mock wrestled each other in the water while Sally and I laughed.

Sally and were as thick as thieves. Zach calls us the Ss (as in the plural of the letter S). She cannonballed into the water, splashing me. I got a queasy feeling. It was weird; it never used to be this way. I bit my lip and dove in.

The water was refreshing. Zach and Connor were already out in the deep. I swam out to meet them, telling myself there was no need to worry. I swam underwater for a bit when I felt something calling me, pulling me.

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