[ Chapter 2 ]

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Throughout the years at Hogwarts (y/n) realized something almost immediately. The Weasley twins were absolutely mad. Prank after prank after prank. Sometimes (y/n) wasn't sure how she managed to keep up with them for all these years.

A small smile tugging at the end of her lip as she looked down at the book she was holding. It wasn't anything special, more muggle then anything but it had a soft golden band wrapped around it. She thought it would be a good Christmas gift for Aiden.

Now that she thought about it, she wasn't sure where Aiden was. She looked around the small bookshop that she was in trying to find a clue of where he might be. That was until her eyes dropped, spotting someone she wasn't expecting to see. 

A smile tugged on the corner of her lip as she tried to conceal her excitement. She looked up at Fred breathing in his scent. Even though they were a few feet away she could smell the cinnamon and gun powder on him. It would only make sense that she would be gathering her books in Diagon Alley when she noticed him.

"Fred!" She squealed rushing up to him and jumping up as she threw her arms around his shoulders, knocking a few books down in the process. "I missed you so much!"

His grip around her waist tightened as he chuckled, which was magic to her ears, as he spun her around before slowly putting her down.

She was so caught up in the moment of seeing her best friend that she didn't even notice the pink tint that started to form on the tips of his ear.

"I missed you too!" Fred said bending down to pick up the books she had dropped. Falling to his side she helped reaching back to the spot she had left her books in.


(Y/n) turned around to see the other half of her best friend as she walked up and jumped in his arms as well. "Georgie!" She said turning her attention to Fred and grabbing the edge of his shirt to bring him in closer to the hug. All three tightly hugged together.

A small flash caused the cluster of three to shoot their head up as Molly, Fred and George's mom, stood there with a camera in her hand. A smile plastered on her face.

"(Y/n) it is so good to see you dear," Molly said rushing over and bringing her into a tight hug. She looked over to the twins who just mouthed sorry to her which caused her to giggle slightly.

"It's good to see you too Mrs.- er, Molly." (Y/n) said catching herself. Mrs. Weasley had instructed (y/n) to call her by her first name and it was something she was still trying to get used to.

(Y/n) looked down at one of the redheads who shyly was standing back. "Ron!" She said walking up next to the young boy. "Are you excited for your first year at Hogwarts?" She asked fluffing his hair in her hands.

Ron faced blushed as he looked up at the girl with (y/h/c) hair. "Yes, though Fred and George said if I don't get put into Gryffindor, I'll get disowned," he said with a gulp.

(Y/n) shot a death glare towards the twins who shot their hands up defensively. She just shook her head before turning back to Ron. "Don't listen to these gits, yeah? Any house will be lucky to have you." She said remembering the words Aiden had once told her when she was nervous.

"(Y/n) there you are! I've been looking all over you," Aiden said coming closer to the young girl. "Mrs. Weasley it is so good to see you," he stated turning towards the older lady.

"Aiden! What a pleasure," Molly said walking up towards the boy and starting a conversation. "And please, call me Molly."

(Y/n) felt arms around her as she looked up to the twins. A smile on her face that she hoped wouldn't go away for a while as her heart felt warm.

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