None Down, Thirty to Go (pt. 3)

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SKYWALK (Either/Or: Scares) - Apex Leaders and Fallen Angels

OBSERVATION DECK (Either/Or: Scares) - Celebrities, Conspirators, and McDuck Nephews

STAIRCASE (Either/Or: Stairs) - Burger Children, Host Club Members, Space Conquerers, Liars, Superheroes, Best Friends, Witches, Magical Girlfriends, Philosophers, Sparrow Scouts, Dimension Hoppers, Camp Campers, Humanized Crystal Gems, IMPs, and Jerks

ELEVATOR (Either/Or: Scares. Currently Going Up) - Park Employees, Mystery Twins, BFPFs, Glitch Techs, Smart Asses, and State Alchemists

ELEVATOR (Either/Or: Scares. Waiting) - Roommates, Fan Favorites, Air Benders, and Aristocrats


(Those that are still waiting are.... well, waiting)

Don (VO): The Either Ors have been divided out. Teams have decided between conquering stairs, or facing the scares. Teams faltering behind at the scares wait at the base of the tower for the elevator to arrive and take them all the way to the top.

(On that list is Jinora and Ikki. The former is irritated at the moment because of this)

Jinora: You know, if we hadn't been detoured by that vegetarian kabob stand, we wouldn't be waiting for the third elevator.

Ikki: (eating a kabob) Whaaaat, they look like tasty looking kabobs! And besides, it doesn't mean that we're in last place! Because you and I, Jinora, we're one of the better teams in this race. I'm sure we'll be okay.

Ikki: I consider myself the fun one of the duo while Jinora is definitely a pessimist. Combine that and you have a pretty balanced team. And besides, you said balance was necessary.

Jinora: You know I never meant it in that context. You just want to find an excuse to twist your words around so that it could create a positive atmosphere that would get us nowhere near two million dollars.

Ikki: Being Jinora yet again, I see. All smart and all and sinking everyone's spirits...

Honey Lemon: (getting a headache from that memory ray) Ugh... My head hurts...

Gogo: That would happen when you get shot with a ray gun. Or any gun in general, I guess.

Cassandra: I'll say. They probably got that all on camera.

Gogo: I hope so! That was a ray gun he just pulled out right out of his ass! And shooting my partner with it? That's just fucked up!

Varian: God... This just keeps reminding of those cookies I laced with truth serum...

Cassandra: And that one time I accidentally erased Raps's memories with some dingy memory wand.

Varian: Wait, that happened? Damn, I always seem to miss out on the coolest of adventures.

Honey Lemon: Memory wand...? Sounds a bit too fantastical for me, but I do like the cute image of fairies.

Gogo: (groans)


(The second elevator finally rings in, which makes Dewey, Reagan, and BoJack go and drag their partners in the skywalk)

Dipper: (rushes out with Mabel) Oh crap, that's pretty high up... (grabs the travel tip and reads) MABEL!! YOU PICKED THE SKYWALK?!

Mabel: Sorry! I thought you would disapprove! I just really didn't wanna climb the stairs and sweat all over my new sweater...

Dipper: (sighs) To be fair, I probably would've picked Scares anyway... Just console with me before you go off making decisions.

Mabel: Aye aye, Dipstick!

Total Drama: Ridonculous Race: Crossover Style Where stories live. Discover now