chapter 3

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Nathans pov
"Come on jesssica george is waiting" I said from down stairs and soon she came down i told her "No eating remember" i said and she nodded. I went upstairs and threw on my scrubs over my unspeakable shirt and went down stairs and saw my girlfriend freaking out and breathing hardly "Calm down jessica its gonna be ok babe come on lets go" I said and she nodded and got in the car i grabbed my car keys and started it up and backed out of the driver way she grabbed my hand and i drove to my office "Jessica its ok baby i will be right their with you when george extracts your tooth i promise baby i wont leave your side" I said wipping her tears that were in her eyes "nathan you dont know why i been crying its not because of this whole dentist thing" She said and i looked at her confused "Baby tell me then" I said and she just broke out in full tears "I-Its m-my w-wisdom t-teeth" She said I looked at her and i was a bit angry she didn't teell me before but george is going to extract her deep and i have to tell him that her wisdom teeth are hurting i have to do it without her finding out i told him so i pulled out my phone and clicked georges contact and clicked text and started to text him about what jess just told me


N: 'Hey buddy your not going to believe this but.. when i was just about to turn to the dentist office jessica just came out and told me that her pain is the wisdom teeth not a cavity can you just take a look at her mouth when we come?'
(seen by George)

N:'We are here look out the window im waving at you dork'
(seen by george)

G: 'I will you guys about here?'
(seen by nathan)

My best friend is such a dork at times and when we entered the office jessica nerves started to get worse "Oh jessica right well the doctor is all ready for you you can go right back and ill let him know your here" The desk lady said "Lily i will hes being a dork he legitly asked where are you look at my phone" Lily nodded and looked at my phone She laughed and i went to get george "did you really just ask where are you when i texted you i was here" I rolled my eyes at him "oh you here ok where's jessica?" I nodded and said "the exam room chair" and he nodded and followed me back to where jessica was but when we got there jessica was standing instead of in the chair where she should be "Jessica can you take a seat and we will get started?" She shook her head and cried "Jessica don't cry baby its ok george is gonna be gentle ok? i said and she went over slowly to the chairI just sat up straight and then i felt a hand on my shoulder "Jessica don't worry im just gonna take a look you need to lay down so i can see whats going on in your mouth sweetie so open nice and wide for me" George said and i did i put my hand out for nathan and he put my hand in his and opened my mouth while george look around in my mouth he then saw where i was having pain and retract his finger form my mouth "Ok jessica you can close for now" i closed my mouth and he went threw the procedure "So jessica you do have your wisdom teeth but i won't worry about that so anyway-" I cut him off "How did you find out that did nathan tell you?" i asked and he nods "He did but i jsut found them myself so anyway i will tell you what ill be doing so jsut clam down ok?" he said and i nodded "So jess i will be giving two shots of novecaine and then ill use my scalpel to cut threw your gum and pull that impacted cavity out ok? he said and i nodded he leaned the chair back again and got some gel on a qtip "ok jessica just take a few deep breathes for me and then just close your eyes" He said and i opened my mouth "Not that wide close for me a little bit please" He said and i did "Yeah ok great hold it right there for me Jess" He said and put the gel on my gums and then i heard him put something on the tray i knew it the needles the two needles i needed i just shut my eyes and he got closer and closer with the needle when i felt a pinch and then pressure i heard him say"Its ok jessie im jstt about done with this one ill give you other one after this one" and i nodded and felt the needle come out and then i heard him "Gonna do it once more so open a bit wider for me prefect right there" And i was like hmm this might not be so bad but as soon as the second needle went in i have full tears down my face it hurt so much that george hurried it up and took it out and smiled "all done" He said wiping my tears off my face and sat the chair up and waited till i was numb, he waited till i was fully numb and once i was he put the chair back hopefully for the last time today and he put on a pair of new gloves and put on a mask his face he looked at me "Jessica this is my scalpel i will now cut your gum to free the tooth and jessie you can close your eyes or you can keep them open ill run threw what ill use and wheat they do" He said and i nodded he cut my gum free of my deep cavity and used his forceps to yank very hard that i felt so much pressure and started to cry but then i heard a pop noise and the tooth was free and then he smiled and put the stitches on my wound and a gauze pad on the spot before putting the chair back up and i opened my eyes and saw nathan and i smiled but was in pain "Its ok baby youll come back tomrrow for your wisdom teeth removal so come on lets go home and ill cuddle with you" Nathan said and we did that we went home and i went to go cuddle with my baby nathan.

hey guys so jessica finally told her boufriend about her pain and now she is nervous about getting her wisdom teeth out

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