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"Draco! Hurry up before I leave your ass here!"

"My god I'm coming y/n!"

The two walked out of the Slytherin common room together. You both had been good friends since your first year. There was occasional flirting, but nothing too serious. His parents absolutely adored you and always joked that you two would make a wonderful couple. You both made your way downstairs and sat at the Slytherin table with Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, Vincent Crabbe, and Gregory Goyle.

"Good morning guys"

Pansy was more cheerful than usual, but you noticed Blaise was the same. Draco noticed too and you both then looked at each other and chuckled.

"So Pansy. You look a little extra happy this morning. And Blaise"

Pansy and Blaise both turned red.

"Shut the fuck up Y/n!"

This made the rest of you laugh uncontrollably. Pansy and Blaise both looked super embarrassed. The group continued talking and laughing. Eventually they made their way to class.

"This is the most boring ass class we have"

Draco sat next to you. You chuckled.

"I know right. His voice makes me want to sleep"

"Let's just get this shit over with"

The professor walked in and began the class. After lots of explaining and talking it was time to go. You noticed Draco was asleep. You shoved him awake

"Get the fuck up!"

"What just happened? How much did I miss?"

"The whole damn class you idiot"

Draco muttered some swears and gathered his things. At the end of the day, he came up to you in the common room.



"Need your help with something. I missed the whole class this morning and-"

"And you need my help to catch up? Sure Malfoy I'll meet you in your room"

You got up and went to your room. After you gathered your stuff, you headed over to Draco's room.

"Y/n. Come on let's get this done I've things to do"

You rolled your eyes and sat down. You both worked together, and everything was going great until Draco spilled the ink all over his shirt


"Draco you need to get a new shirt"

"No shit"

He pulled off his shirt as you went to grab him another. As you walked back your eyes widened at the sight of him without his shirt on. His toned and muscular chest was showing.

"Uh here"

He slid the shirt on over his head.

"Ok. So it looks like we've got half of it done. We can meet again tomorrow to finish"

"Ok. Goodnight Draco"

You quickly left and got back to your room. On your way there all you could think about was seeing Draco without a shirt. Sure, you'd always found him extremely hot, but he'd been your friend for 5 years now. You didn't want to make anything weird and you also weren't sure if you wanted a relationship right now. Once you'd stopped thinking of all these things, you entered.

"Pansy! I'm back!"

"How was studying? Did he actually do anything?"

"Yeah but we're meeting again tomorrow to finish"

"Right. Well I'm off to bed. Goodnight Y/n. Love you sis"

"Love you too P"

You and Pansy were also great friends. Your families had been friends since the two of you were babies. You woke up and stretched hard in the morning. You slowly got ready and headed to the dining hall with Pansy.

"You look like shit"

"Gee thanks Malfoy. I'm tired as hell"

He chuckled

"You better still show up today. I need to finish all that shit Snape assigned."

You groaned and put your head on the table.

"I'll be there seven"

Draco shrugged and got back to eating. After breakfast he left everyone and walked alone. His cheeks were completely red and he wouldn't let anyone see. He knew the way you affected him and he didn't bother doing anything about it, as he was almost positive you didn't feel the same. Oh how he'd love to slam you against a wall and- his thoughts were cut off as you walked up to him.

"Why're you walking alone? Come on!"

The two of you walked to class. After the day was done you both met up again in Draco's room.

"So let's just finish this up then"

You both finally finished and were exhausted.

"God I'm so glad we're done"

"Well next time don't sleep in class dumbass"

You both laughed. You then noticed that Draco had again spilled a drop of ink on his shirt.

"Jeez you need to seriously learn how to use ink"

You grabbed a wet cloth and began slowly concentrating and cleaning the mark. Once it was clean you slowly put the cloth on his desk, your hand remaining on his chest. You both stared at each other for a moment, before you cleared your throat and moved your hand away. You whispered

"Bye Draco"

You slowly began to walk off when Draco said

"Y/n wait"

You turned around to face him. You studied his face for a second before he smashed his lips against yours without warning.

First episode guys! This story will contain lots of smut, I hope you guys enjoy!

Friends With Benefits (Draco Malfoy x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang