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You rolled out your suitcase and met Draco outside. You were both ready to go to Malfoy Manor. You asked everyone else if they wanted to go along, but Blaise and Pansy were going back to Pansy's house, and Crabbe and Goyle were staying at Crabbe's mansion.

"Ready darling?"

"More than ready"

You both made your way there. You weren't the slightest bit worried. Your families were great friends, and though he didn't seem to like anyone, Lucius Malfoy and his wife adored you. They always thought you'd be perfect for Draco. Draco knocked on the door, and once it opened, you both met his parents in the entrance way.

"Y/n dear it's lovely to see you! It's been so long!"

Narcissa gave you a hug. Draco greeted his father. Lucius Malfoy grinned as you walked over to him, he always treated you as his daughter. It was very very unlike him to be happy to see someone but he enjoyed yours and your family's presence. He hugged you tight.

"Y/n sweetheart so glad you could come visit!"

"I'm quite excited as well Mr. Malfoy"

"I've already told you, you can call me Lucius"

"Alright Lucius. I'll be sure to bring Mum and Dad next time I visit."

"Oh dear that would be great. I haven't seen them in so long!"

Narcissa rushed you into the kitchen for some tea. Draco brought your bag upstairs, and you eventually joined him. You both unpacked your things and then sat on his bed.

"I'm pretty sure my father likes you more than he does me. I've never seen him smile so much before."

You laughed.

"I'm sure he likes you just fine. He is your father after all. Did you tell them about us yet?"

"Not yet. I'll try to soon though"

Draco turned and kissed you, his hands cupping your cheeks, while yours ran through his platinum blonde hair. You both got so caught up in your moment, you didn't notice Narcissa come upstairs and into the doorway.

"Ahem. Dinner is ready"

You both stopped and stared at Narcissa while blushing. She looked very content.

"We'll uh be right down"

Narcissa then left.

"My god it's going to be so awkward now"

You both laughed and made your way down for dinner. Lucius and Narcissa were sat down and motioned for you two to sit.

"So how long have you both been together now?!"

"Uh seven months now mother"

"Oh wonderful!"

He whispered in your ear while his parents weren't looking

"I don't think they need to hear about our arrangement, so we'll just go with the fact that we've been together 7 months."

You nodded in response. The food was amazing and afterwards you became tired and went upstairs. Draco said he'd meet you up there.



"You've picked a lovely girl. Your mother and I are both very fond of her. Don't screw anything up"

"I won't father I love her"


You had already gotten into a nice warm bubble bath when Draco made his way back up.

"Y/n love where are you?"

"In the bath. Care to join?"

He immediately made his way into the bathroom, where you were sat in the tub. He undressed himself and got into the tub with you. He was behind you, and you were in his lap. You rested your back on his chest and he played with a strand of your hair. The other arm around your waist.

"I love you so much. I'm going to marry you some day"

You turned your face and looked at Draco

"I love you too. And whenever you ask, I'll say yes"

He smiled at your response and kissed you. You both loved the moments you spent together. You slowly began falling asleep. Draco picked you up, and you both got out of the tub. You woke up and dried yourself off. You put on your pajamas and one of his hoodies and got into bed with him.

"Darling you're shivering get yourself over here"

Draco hugged you and warmed you up as you both drifted off to sleep. Narcissa came up to the door to say goodnight, but saw the two of our snuggled up and asleep and smiled. She loved seeing Draco happy. She shut the door and left.

No smut this time, but I hope you guys enjoyed!

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