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Jack's POV

Popping into this dimension i looked up to see water, water and a seagull

Meaning this is definantly my destination, you've read the bio, i don't have to explain anything unless you're lazy

Opening the system i imediately​ chose a destroyer so i could travel faster to reach anime pearl harbour (Author : *slaps knee*)

Before i forget, i am in episode 1, so i have sometime before anything exciting shows up for me to stabby stabby (Author : yes, i'll be using that a lot)

Now then, to start my grand plan for absolute victory in this anime

I reached into my pocket to grab a sheet of paper, a list of objectives to complete in this world

1.successfully pop into world : check

2.check up on WoWS system : check

3.did i arrive with clothes : check (Author : i ain't letting my little girl pop up into a world naked)

4.check to see food supply :

I quickly open the system and go to inventory, to squeal in joy seeing the infinte source of food i have

4.check to see food supply : check

5.information on location : check, i can always use the trusty game map

6.have fun

Proceeding with the mission! I put away my list and look at the map putting down a way point to anime pearl harbour, i then pressed w 4 times-

[*beep* cut, take 2]

After closing the map i start heading towards the harbour to fight against a giant fox, i wonder how much EXP i'll get? My question will be answered anyway but that doesn't matter

[timeskip because who the hell finds enjoyment out of reading a little girl travel the oceans alone?]

I've been sailing for a while now but i can see the harbour from here! It seems i came BEFORE the assault, considering i don't see craters and plumes of smoke

Getting closer i stop and realise 'how am i gonna get in without seeming suspicous?....... Never mind i forgot that ayanami snuck in with a cloak so i should be able to get in pretty easily

What should i do when i get in their? Raid a candy store? Become friends with the starter gang? Stay clear of a certain CV, no wait i should definantly stay away from her

As i was closing into the harbour i went around the island heading towards the cliff to avoid detection

Suddenly hearing the Solid Snake detected noise i look up to see a unicorn.......... Well, more like a plushie of a unicorn, sailing to the shallow parts, i de-summon my rigging and walk along the path up the cliff to go play with the plushie

Reaching the top i see ayanami handing the plushie to Unicorn, i raise my hand and shout out to them

Jack : "HIIII!!! HOW YOU DOIN!?"

they looked towards my direction, Laffey seemed neutral, Unicorn seemed nervouse, Ayanami squinted her eyes at me and Javelin approached me

Jack : "ho? You're approaching me?"

Javelin : "i can't make a new friend with out getting closer"

Jack : "HO HO! then come as close as you like!"

As she was getting closer my inner introvert acted up

Jack : "please don't get too close"

Javelin suddenly stopped and looked at me confused

Javelin : "but why?"

Jack : "i'm not very good at talking to sentient beings...."

Javelin : "it'll be fine! We can get to know each other!"

Slowly heading my head she urged me to come with her group of friends to take me around there base, she was about to invite Ayanami to come as well but she had dissapeared

Javelin seemed confused and muttered something under her breath, i wasn't able to catch it but i'll assume its about Ayanami

As we were heading down the cliff they starting asking where i came from, i answered with 100% honesty

Jack : "i have no idea"

For some odd reason they thought i had amnesia, me being the lazy little thing i am didn't bother correcting them

They seemed quite worried about it so they took me down to the port to see a repair ship, but as we ere getting near the port i looked up and said

Jack : "whose plane is that?"

Javelin : *looks up* "it looks like a zero! We haven't seen the Sakura Empire in quite a while, maybe we can introduce you to some of them!"

Me having the full knowledge of the future events replied with

Jack : "i don't feel so good about that..."

They seemed to have ignored my "unease" and continued on with our path, oh well

I gave them a slight warning anyway, they'll be fine!

I could just sacrafice myself for them and respawn anyway, so no big deal

I wonder if i can summon a giant fox if i used the Kaga rigging?


And that's it for today, 810 words, every chapters probably just gonna have around 1000 words really so don't expect massive pages

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