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Jack-chan POV

While walking with the starter group (Laffey, Javelin, Unicorn, except Z23 because​, well you can problaby​ guess) i was looking at all the buildings to see if there was anything of interest but sadly there wasn't

But as i was walking i looked at Javelin and asked

Jack : "Do the Manjuus have genders?"

Javelin : "oh that's easy! They......... Good question"

Javelin then proceeded to grad a random manjuu off the floor and ask the same question i did

Javelin : "Do you guys have genders?"

The manjuu replied by shrugging its.... Shoulders? Wings? I don't know anymore

Javelin : "welp, there's your answer! None of us know :D"

Accepting the answer i look out to sea incase i can spot the enemy stand-

[*BEEP* take 2]

Accepting the answer i look out to sea incase i can spot the enemy fleet that will be closing in soon, only to see the figures of Akagi and Kaga in the distance, quickly turning to the others i said

Jack : "Is that Akagi and Kaga?"

The others, turning to look as well, see them

Javelin : "i'm sure they just came to visit!"

Jack : "but they haven't talked to Azur Lane in a while"

Wait, i wasn't suppose to say that, i'm sure they didn't pick up on it though, hopefully

Jack : "also, is that a squadron of bombers?"

Javelin : "okay maybe not so friendly....."

Quickly running to the dock i jumped off the ledge and summon my rigging ready to grind for EXP

this should be fun, hopefully

-(author : i forgot a good bit of the story here so i'm just gonna guess)​-

Akagi POV.

Akagi : "we will proceed with the plan now sister"

Kaga : "roger that, should i make it quick?"

Akagi : "of course my dear sister, we don't want the ants to come back and bite us now do we?"

Detecting an enemy approaching us i turn to look at our first prey, a little destroyer

Akagi : "oh ho? You're approaching us? Instead of running away you come right towards us?"

??? : "i can't protect my friends without sinking you"

A chill went up my spine but i ignored it

Akagi : "HO HO! then come as close as you like!"

The child then dashed towards us, pathetic.

Akagi : "didn't you notice we're carriers?"

I said, just as one of my planes started diving on the destroyer

I heard her mumble something but ignored knowing it wouldn't matter either way


Jacks POV

Jack : *mumbling* "bullets won't affect me thanks to the system, just shells, rockets, torps and bombs, i should be fine"

As i felt bullets bounce off me the two kitsunes faces soon change to shock

One Ship NAVY (Loli MC x Azur Lane)​Where stories live. Discover now