Chapter 1

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 In two days it has been two years since the death of my best friend, the team don't know what happened with him, I have never had the courage to tell them how I killed my best friend. The only thing the team knows is that he is dead, there is a lot of facts behind his death but I don't like talking about it that's one of the main reasons that I haven't told the team. Anyway the reason why I'm here so early is because I couldn't sleep, the two years that Matt has been dead, I can never sleep in the days leading up to the date that he died, as I kept having nightmares of the day that matt died.

I was currently walking out of the locker room after I had changed into my work cloths, I put my bag in my locker and I walked into the training room were the rest of team one were, once they noticed me, the boss said "Sam is there something wrong, your never here this early."
"I just couldn't sleep so I decided to come here" I replied.
I looked around and noticed everyone's concerned faces, you see I'm the youngest person on the team so when we aren't in the field, they all look out for me, I was about to say something else when Ed said "Sam we can see that something is bothering you, what is it."
"I've just been having nightmares about something that happened two years ago" I stated.
"If you tell us what the nightmares are about then maybe we will be able to help you get past them" Wordy said.
"I don't like talking about it, the nightmares are just something that I have to deal with" I countered.
However before anyone could say anything else Winnie shouted "SAM THERE'S A LETTER HERE FOR YOU!"
I walked to Winnie's desk with the rest of team one following closely behind me, once I reached Winnie's desk, she handed me a letter, I started to open it and I read it to myself:

I'll see you soon Sam.

 I turned the piece of paper over looking for more writing but there wasn't anymore writing on it, then I looked inside the envelope and there was a picture inside, I pulled the picture out and I insistently recognized the picture, it was a picture of me and Matt at our army base. I put the picture and the piece of paper back inside the envelope before I could do anything else Spike asked "Sam what is it?"
"I don't want to talk about it" I stated.
I turned around and headed towards the locker room, I was ten feet away from the way out of the room when somebody shouted "SAM BRADDOCK!"
I turned around to find my dad stood next to my team however before he say anything else I said "I have nothing to say to you."
"It's time for you to come home" my dad said.
Everybody looked at my dad like he was crazy and then I said "I told you, last week this is my home now."
"NO" my dad shouted, then he continue talking normally, "You are coming back to the army with me."
I looked down at the letter and then at my dad and I said "You sent this didn't you? Your sick what do you think if you sent me a picture of me and Matt at our base, I would come back to the army."
I throw the letter at him, then I turned around and started walking away", when my dad said "I never sent you that letter, but Matt would want you to still be in the army."
"You don't know what Matt would have wanted. just like you don't know what I want, I'm happy here, I get to make a difference here, but in the army I have to kill people and ask questions later and I am never going back to that" I countered.
"Sir, I think you should leave" Ed said to my dad.
I saw my dad leave, then Spike made his way towards me and then he engulfed me in a hug, I looked up to see the rest of team one making their way towards me and engulfed me in an hug just like Spike had done, when they pulled away Ed asked "Are you alright?"
I just nodded.

A couple of minutes later Winnie shouted "HOT CALL!"
We grabbed our gear and made our way out of the building and into the cars, while me, Jules and Ed were driving when the boss said "Winnie what have we got."
"An shooter in the downtown pub, he's got people held hostage, he's waiting for the SRU to make his demands" Winnie said.
When we got to the downtown pub the response team had already block off the area surrounding the pub. We all climbed out of our cars and gathered around the Boss, the Boss then said "Spike and Sam your with me in the truck, Wordy and Jules your with Ed."
We all nodded, Jules and Wordy followed Ed while me and Spike followed the Boss into the truck and we set up the command centre. The Boss then pulled out his phone and called the pub, we waited a little bit before there was an answer the Boss started talking, "I', Greg Parker, I'm with the SRU, can you tell me what you want."
"Revenge" the voice said.

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