Chapter 2

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 "Hi my name is Greg Parker, I'm with the SRU can you tell me why you are doing this" the Boss questioned.
"Revenge" the subject answered.
"What do you mean by revenge?" the boss asked.
"I want revenge against Sam Braddock" the subject replied.
"Why do you want revenge against Sam?" the boss questioned really confused.
"I don't want revenge against him, but my boss does and he asked me to give him a message" the subject answered.
"What's the message?" the boss asked.
"I'm only giving the message to Sam Braddock in an face to face" the subjected replied.
"I can't allow that to happen, now what is the message?" the boss questioned again.
"The boss said I could only tell the message to Sam and no one else" the subjected answered.
Boss? Spike and the Boss were looking at me and they was probably wondering who would hire someone to just give me a message. I looked at the Boss, and then at Spike before I said "Boss it's fine, I'll give him the face to face."
"Sam you can't do that" Ed's voice said though the headset.
"I can handle this trust me" I countered.

Before anyone else could object I step out of the truck and headed towards the pub, once I got to where the man was keeping the hostages I began to speak "You've got your face to face with me so let the hostages go."
He nodded, before he untied the hostages, the hostages made there way out of the pub and then the man said "So your the famous Sam Braddock."
"What's the message" I asked.
"The Boss wanted me to tell you that he'll see you soon and that you better watch your back or something terrible might happen" the man said.
I nodded my head, then the team barged through the pub doors and arrested him. Once we got back to headquarters we went to the debrief room and once all of team one was in the room, the Boss closed the door and then said "Sam can you think of anyone that would have a reason to hurt you."
"Matt's parents" I quickly answered.
The boss opened the door and then shouted to Winnie "Can you send a response unit to..."
"Marie and Jack Birddock, 119 Green Wood" I interrupted.

Forty minutes later Marie and Jack were brought into the debrief room, when they saw me they rush up to me and engulfed me in an hug, and then Marie asked "Sam darling what is going on?"
"Someone is targeting me, the guys just want to talk to you, you have to tell them everything" I replied.
They both nodded.
We all took a seat around the table and then the Boss asked "Why would Sam say that his best friend's parents would want to hurt him?"
"Because he murdered Matt" Jack said.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2015 ⏰

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