Maple Syrup Spaghetti & Candy Cane Vodka

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Camila woke up when the morning light broke through the windows of her boyfriend's bedroom. She yawned and stretched out her tired limbs before realizing that the bed she woke up in was empty. She grabbed Shawn's t-shirt from the floor and pulled it on, making it look more like a dress on her small frame. They were a little too preoccupied with other activities the night before for him to give her a full tour of his place but it wasn't too difficult for her to find her way into the kitchen where he was making some coffee for the both of them.

"Good morning, beautiful!" he said with a wide smile. His eyes widened when he looked her up and down and admired the way his t-shirt looked on her body. "You look good."

"Thanks," she said shyly. "So do you." She stood up on her tiptoes to plant a kiss on his cheek.

"Happy Christmas Eve by the way! Are you excited?"

"I am," she giggled. "So what are the plans for today?"

"Well..." Shawn handed her one of the mugs of coffee as he picked up the other one for himself. "Brian and Bristol are coming over later this afternoon for some Christmas-y festivities, but until then we've got the day to what do you have in mind?"

"I don't really have any 'Christmas traditions' per se, but I do try to watch Elf every Christmas Eve..."

"So you wanna watch Elf?"

"I mean it sounds like a good way to spend the morning to me," she said with a shrug. He smiled and led her over to his living room. She set her mug down on the coffee table and smiled when she saw his notebook covered in stickers she had sent him on her various letters. "You kept the stickers?" she asked with a smile as she picked up the notebook.

"Uh, y-yeah...I don't know why, I just thought they were cute."

"You're cute," she countered. "It's really sweet that you kept them." Camila cuddled up on the couch with one of his blankets as he pulled the classic Christmas movie up on his TV. They laid on the couch together, her head on his chest and her arms wrapped around his torso as they watched Will Farrell eat maple syrup covered spaghetti.

"Have you ever eaten maple syrup spaghetti?" Camila asked him.


"Sounds like you're a pretty shitty Canadian then," Camila commented. Shawn threw his head back in laughter.

"You're right. That's actually the official meal of Canadians."

They weren't able to make it through the whole movie without ending up paying more attention to each other's lips instead of the movie playing on the large screen.

"I think I might be addicted to kissing you," he mumbled against her lips.

"That makes two of us."

"What do you think Brian and Bristol are up to?"

"I don't think that I wanna know," Camila snorted.

"Do you think they'll make it official by the end of the trip?" he asked. Camila sighed.

"If they don't Bristol might lose her mind. She had a minor meltdown at my house the other day because she wasn't sure if he felt the same about her or not."

"They seem really good together," Shawn commented. "I hope they make it work." Camila looked at him and took in a shaky breath.

"Do you think we will?"

"Do I think we'll what?"

"Make it work? Do you think we'll be able to do this?" she asked sadly.

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