Chapter 3 ~Trusting the untruthful~

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Hush chapter 3: trust the untruthful


Heyy guys!! sorry its been a lil while for me to upload this, but Im sure you all understand :) well, here it is . ENJOY

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Chapter 2 RECAP:

They started to walk away as they laughed at something funny, but the moment before passing the newbie threw a wicked grin my way. His eyes radiating light, that gave me somewhat hope. Something clicked then because I suddenly felt like I knew this person from somewhere. I stared at him for a second longer and realized who he was. But the moment he looked away that hope he gave me vanished.

 My cheeks became enflamed while my ears burned in turmoil.  What had just happened? Oh god, please don’t tell me that I’ve just had one of THOSE moments….  You know the feeling you get when you look at a guy and feel like the walls of protection have dropped at the sight of him? Well yeah, I think I’ve just let the emotions get the best of me…. Stupid hormones.   And you know what!? I don’t even know his name! 

 Chapter 3:

The day had past fairly quickly after my little encounter with Amber; I mean we didn't usually fight, but I just couldn't resist after what she did to me last week.  I cleared the thought just as quickly as it came in and sighed as the final bell rang.

I collected my stuff and retreated for my locker. Files of people where roaming the halls in crowded cliques. Each behavioral difference strikingly like the past few schools I've managed to attend.

It's odd how this day in age schools are becoming more like a Social Hierarchy, than a system of equal learning opportunities. 

Once the halls were clear I grabbed my house keys and shut the door.  The halls were nearly empty as I began to walk to the field (it was a short cut to the woods leading the back of my house.), and I was glad to be away from the sums of people with 'tragic' problems.

It gets so annoying, hearing about everyone else's problems, but them not giving two shits about yours.  Come to think about it, I think that's another note to my list of why I don't have friends.  I would listen, and I would offer my best of help, but nothing would suffice their pleasure. 

They were self centered.  The second I accidently slipped about my first beatings they somehow ignored me and put the spot light back where it belonged.

It was clear it belonged somewhere other than a helpless girl.

A sudden muffled sound caught my attention while I was walking across the field just then. I stopped in my tracks, slowly turning my attention to which my back had been facing.


"HEY!! ...Watch ou-"  

Oof! I fell backward awkwardly landing on my side, not hearing the rest.  A strong force hovered- no- lay with no opt of getting up, on top of me.  My papers had fluttered everywhere from the collision, probably blowing away by now.

Something cracked along my wrist and only then did I feel the searing pain. I was crushed beneath a jock in what looked like a football try out jersey. 

My breath sucked in sharply, as my fresh bruises from last night throbbed in anger.  My chest was pounding in my ears, fast and hard.

I couldn't breathe.

I sucked in another sharp breath and couldn't help but gag.

I was pinned beneath this stranger until he got up, looking horrified. 

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