The First Chapter

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A/N This is from 3rd person omniscient point of view

Bunn woke up to the sound of his phone alarm. He slowly opened his eyes and grabbed his phone "Great 5:30 A.M" he mumbled to himself.

Bunn got up and walked over to Sean. Bunn saw the way the sunlight reflected on his messy black hair and illuminated half of his face. Bunn's heart was pounding when he realized that Sean didn't have a shirt on. Sean woke up and Bunn went completely red, "Oh sorry! I swear I wasn't staring for long, I just realized that you forgot to take out your earrings"

"Don't apologize Bunn! I'm okay if you stare..."

"Wait what?"


Sean immediately got up and slipped on a shirt. He was still a little drunk from the night before and he didn't realize he said that aloud. He grabbed a bottle of water and gulped it down to help with his morning breath. "Let's go ride over to Jo and Cameron's place so we can get cleaned up"

"Yeah sounds good. Let me grab my backpack and we can go."

"Let's go then."

They went outside and grabbed their bikes. Jo and Cameron's house was only a couple of minutes away. They got there and grabbed the key under the gnome statue near the door.

 They walked in and Bunn went and grabbed some food from the kitchen. Jo was in her room doing homework when the boys entered the house. She walked down the stairs and found Bunn and Cameron in the kitchen. She heard the shower running and knew it was Sean. Cameron and Bunn were talking about the prom rave and Cameron asked a little too loud for Bunn's liking, "Have you asked out Sean yet?"

"God, you didn't have to let the whole world know!" Bunn hissed. 

"Dude you told me you would get to it by the end of the week. It's already Thursday! Before you know it, it'll already be the time of the prom."

"I'm well aware!" Then Jo entered the room and said, " Oh, y'all are already here?"

" Oh hey, Jo! Sean is in the shower right now" Cameron informed Jo.

" Yeah, I guessed."

Jo walked over to the fridge and grabbed a yogurt. She walked over to the couch and Bunn and Cameron followed. They all sat down on the couch and Cameron flipped on the television. Bunn heard the shower stop and Sean yelled, "Hey it's open!" Bunn got up and went up the stairs to hop in the shower. Sean walked down the stairs and sat down with everyone. Cameron piped up and quietly asked, "So have you asked Bunn out yet?"

"Oh, I haven't still heh..."

" What? I thought you were going to this morning!" Jo hissed. Sean looked down and mumbled, "I just haven't gotten around to it yet alright." Jo looked at Sean with a smile, grabbed his hand, and said, "Don't be afraid it's so obvious he has feelings for you and you're only asking him to the rave prom, not the official prom."

"Thanks, Cameron. I'm just super scared of what'll happen if I'm rejected."

" Don't even think about it. Do you see the way he looks at you!"

" I never thought about it like that."

" You are too clueless."

Bunn got out of the shower and walked down the stairs. He checked his phone and it was around 6:00. School started at around 8:15 so they had plenty of time. Bunn felt like eating something more substantial so he went over to where everyone was sitting and pitched the idea to go eat at the golden arches. Jo interjected, " No, you don't know what's in it, I'll just make something." Everyone nodded in agreement and Bunn realized that was a much better choice. Jo got up and went to the kitchen to make some eggs and ham. The scent filled the house with a warm cozy feel and Sean noticed Bunn had fallen asleep on his shoulder while he and Cameron were talking. He felt his cheeks warm and Cameron sighed knowing the two boys were completely and utterly clueless about each other. Jo finished up making everyone food and Bunn woke up and realized that Sean let him sleep on him and he felt his heart rate pick up. The group ate and then went to school.

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