Zanok (The Wraith)

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(Warnings: Yandere, non-con)

Zanok Azelthia. The feared mother of Ashera Azelthia and by far most morally improper. She does not tend to care for others but instead focuses on herself.

She was, if not an extreme narcissist, seeing herself as the puppet master in other people's lives. Her ego stretching vast wherever she went, she was confident in her power, and for a good reason, none could match it.

She alone grasped the life of the darkness itself and bent it to her will. That was until you came along, holding the power of light by your side and ridding her darkness little by little.

'The Priestess of Light,' the people deemed you, and they praise your name for the simplest of deeds; it truly made Zanok sick. She should be the one they praised, not some little mortal brat who knew how to wave some fancy magic around.

Zanok undeniably loathed you and everything you stood for and even planned the many ways she could end your life, but that all came crashing down on her when she finally saw you.

She swore her heart stopped at your gentle eyes that held such pain behind them; you were a life filled with loss and failure, bruised and beaten. You were stunning.

It didn't take Zanok long before she found the reason behind that pain, and it was the very thing you flashed so brightly.

Your magic was draining you of your life; with every use, those moments you lived were shortened, and you grew tired, but sleep could not heal it.

You sat upon a downed tree, looking over a small pond just before you while the birds stare at you with such admiration; it was sickening. But Zanok couldn't blame them; even with her beauty to be unmatched, you almost faired a fighting chance, but none could share the spotlight such as Zanok does.

Zanok takes note of the carefree way you drop your staff to the ground and sigh, staring off into the water as if it would carry the answers you seek.

She took this chance to make herself known, lurching from the shadows just along the treeline and approaching you without caution to the dangers the bold action took.

The birds are the first to notice Zanok, chirping a short warning before flying far from the shadowed woman.

Your head lifts in alarm, and you stand abruptly; Zanok keeps shockingly passive, even going as far as to hold up a hand to show her "peaceful." intention.

She speaks with confidence. "I've only come to admire the beauty that rests here."

Zanok could tell it did nothing but put you on edge, but that doesn't stop her from approaching.

You fumble to grab your staff, stumbling over yourself as you hold the hilt and point it at Zanok, the tip of it glowing yellow as your magic twinkles to the surface.

Zanok could not care less, but your act of hostility intrigued her, such a feisty woman you were.

She saw the way you shivered; you were so frightened to face Zanok head-on, it was adorable.

With a simple flick of her finger, she has her shadows grasping at your ankles and pull you off balance, your staff flying from your grasp and landing before Zanok.

The panic that crosses your features brings a darkened chuckle from Zanok; you've thoroughly amused her at this point! A priestess of light that could only use her magic through a staff!? Oh, how hilarious!

Zanok was right; you were nothing but a sham, feasting off of the public eye in hopes for some recognition; what a terrible fate indeed if you were to turn against...on second thought.

Zanok clicks her tongue, stepping over your staff and kicking it behind her, leaving you entirely defenseless before her.

Kneeling in front of you, she grins, "can't we just enjoy the moment, priestess?" Zanok waves her hand to give an example of the pond laid before you, "for all we know, these may just be our last moments alive."

Her teeth gleam as she smiles, enjoying the look of terror that passes your features. Of course, she wasn't going to kill your pretty face, but she had to have some form of preeminence.

"Now, let's try this again." She snaps her fingers, and her shadows lift you onto your feet before shoving you down onto the log, a surprised yelp leaving your lips.

Zanok sighs and sits next to you, plastering a fake smile on her lips.

"Lovely view, is it not?"

Zanok starts, gesturing to the pond before you.

She gives you a moment, impatiently waiting. And when you give no reply and instead choose to ignore her, she clenches her jaw and growls low in her throat, her skin deforming into wisps of shadow, no longer a tangible object of flesh.

Zanok could feel the anger boiling inside of you, but she also could feel the fear; as a wraith, she thrived off of negative emotions, but when it was with you, Zanok couldn't handle the sentiment.

"Are we seriously going to try for a third time!" She throws her arms up and curses, "what is it with you? What must I-" Zanok pauses, glancing towards the ground as an unfamiliar emotion emits from you, radiating from your entire body and nearly concaving the facade Zanok has up.

She takes a moment to steady herself, unsure how to react to such a bizarre feeling. At a certain point, she dared called for magic affecting her like this, but through some silenced yet overbearing thinking, she sooner realized it was no sorcery or type of spell but attraction that fueled such actions.

Her mind couldn't focus, and her entire plan was brought down into tiny little shards; she has never felt this before, and she liked it! It felt freeing yet captivating all in one, a swell in her chest as her eyes settled on you; it was almost too much for her to bear.

Being a woman who's husband was taken from her, she failed to realize that maybe she could be loved by another! And here you were! You were not an enemy; no, you were her destiny.

During the silent process of thinking, you try your best to fight against her shadows, but to no avail; they keep a tight hold on you, making it nearly impossible to stand.

It was when Zanok touches your arm do you freeze entirely, your fear getting the better of you as she speaks.

"You fight me because you do not wish to accept your feelings," reaching closer, she grasps your neck and tugs you, her fingers digging into the side of your throat while she continues, a sick expression on her face. "That is why you've attempted to get my attention all this time."

A sudden movement from her, and you feel her deathly frigid lips against yours, a shiver of both fear and cold running through as she kisses you. The magic she held could be felt; her twisted magic is seeping from her skin as she uses it to keep you still while she entirely violates you, treating your discomfort as nothing but a minor issue.

As her kiss prolonged, you began to feel dizzy, off-balance, and sick to your stomach; the simple effort it takes to breathe now felt difficult, as she was seizing your life force from you, claiming it as hers just as she would with your mind.

The urge to warn her was nearly impossible, but you guessed a woman like her wouldn't care either way; she was to claim you, and even death could not save you.

(mitchi1011 👁👁 this for you?)

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