Chapter 26: Way Down We Go

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The words kept repeating in my mind.

After Dev told me about the mysterious message, I listened to the voicemail myself to see if I could trace the voice. The caller had disguised their voice, which meant they were a step ahead of me. My search had hit a dead end.

Someone kept trying to tell me about Darian's innocence — but why was that so important to them?

What had Darian done?

I needed answers I didn't have.

But maybe Natasha's parents would.

The way Mrs. Ryan had acted when I found Darian's photo in Natasha's room, I doubted she would be open to talking about it. Which meant I had to track down Natasha's father.

Easier said than done.

Mrs. Ryans was scary, but her ex-husband made her look like a playful puppy. I needed a plan of action, some fool-proof way of getting him to expose the truth. But before that, I needed to do my job as Student Council president.

I tightened my grip around the student council funds packet in my hand, walking up to the principal's office.

I didn't expect to have company there, but as soon as I pushed open the door, I saw Griffin. He was sitting in one of the red chairs, his beat-up leather jacket thrown across his shoulders. I stepped toward him out of instinct, stopping when I remembered our last conversation.

To be honest, he was no longer mine; he had never been. That didn't make it hurt any less. The empty pit in my stomach only twisted more when his eyes landed on me. Only then did I notice the soft, purplish bruise surrounding his eye. I felt a stab of concern, and his gaze softened before he scowled, looking away.

Of course, he no longer wanted anything to do with me. I chewed at my bottom lip, pretending like it didn't sting.

I awkwardly walked past him to Principal Moore's door, letting it shut behind me as I handed Principal Moore the student council packet with the fundraising funds.

"Thanks, Haven. What a successful Spirit Week! Go Tigers!" He pumped his fist in the air and I tried to match his energetic smile with a feeble one of my own.

"No problem, Principal Moore." Before I could turn away, I caught sight of the brochure on the edge of his wooden table.

"Also, Haven?" I looked up to see Principal Moore looking at me with a sympathetic look. "There's one more thing I wanted to talk to you about."

"Yes?" I said expectantly.

"Mr. Langston is hosting a fundraiser at Wilcrest Hall and donating the money to Fairview in honor of Natasha. He's always been an established contributor to our school, and Natasha will forever be a beloved member of Fairwood."

My ears perked up at the sound of Natasha's father's name.

"I would love to send some volunteers. Especially considering the state of your previous relationship with Natasha... you two were friends, correct?"

I nodded wordlessly.

"I believe I may have been too harsh with canceling the ski trip for you girls."

That felt like forever ago now.

"But if you help with the setup after school today, consider the trip back on."

Principal Moore didn't know that was just a bonus. I felt my hands grow clammy with anticipation, realizing I could confront Mr. Langston. I could finally find out what Darian's story was, and why Natasha had never brought him up; what she was hiding.

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