Chapter 34: Fire on Fire

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The senior skip day bonfire had been a Fairview tradition for years. With finals behind us and the scent of slightly burnt marshmallows in the air, it was an excuse to pretend like there were no worries in the world.

Taylor and Luce had come over to my house, so we could all get ready to go together.

Taylor moved the curling wand away from her hair, looking at the finished product with satisfaction. The three of us were getting ready together before heading over to the beach for the bonfire. Luce pulled her dress on, modeling it for us afterward. "Yes or no?"

"Definitely," I said. She looked gorgeous in the pink dress she had chosen. I looked at my reflection, smoothing the white sundress and pulling on a light blue jean jacket over it. I paired the fit with white sandals, just in time for Taylor to pull my arm and hand me a shot glass.

"Party ain't start till the pregame, bitches!" She had made her way to the kitchen and returned with a bottle.

"Here's to finals being over," Luce said. "And new beginnings. Ooh, and college starting soon. And—"

I took the shot and scrunched up my face, but only a little.

"Hey, you didn't wait!" Luce said, feigning offense.

"I didn't know when your list would end," I teased. I fixed my lipstick in case it had gotten smudged and then smiled. "Ready?"

West was picking us up, and a loud honk signaled that he had pulled up to the front.

When we reached the bonfire, I pretended like I wasn't looking for him, but of course, I was. And then I finally saw him, by the firewood, his face a soft orange from the glow of the flames.

He looked up and smiled lazily, his eyes meeting mine. I realized I was staring at the tiny freckle by his lips for far too long and turned back to Taylor and Luce, flushing that he had caught me.

Only it was worse looking at them because they had caught me. "Instead of undressing him with your eyes, go say hi," Taylor laughed. Her hair was messy from the spring heat and the curls were starting to fall out even though we had just gotten there. She adjusted her tube top and pursed her lips. "Meanwhile, I'll be by Mr. Tequila. If you know what I mean." She winked dramatically.

Luce rolled her eyes. "There's no way to not know what that means," she said, making Taylor flip her off before walking off to locate the drinks.

"Talk to him," she encouraged, directing her smile at me. "We're going to find Coop and Lila. Meet up soon?"

I agreed and then made my way to Griffin.

"Hi," I greeted as I neared him.

"Go on a walk with me?" he asked. His sleeves rolled up into cuffs, revealing his muscular arms and distracting me.

I realized he had asked a question. I nodded, looking up to meet his gaze and trying to hide the blush that crept up my neck.

He looked like he wanted to say something else, but he didn't. We fell into step together and I crossed my arms across my chest.

"So," I said.

"How were finals?"

"I think they were good," I said. I was being modest — I was pretty sure I had aced them all.

"Rhetorical question," he smirked. "I know you probably were the curve for all of your classes."

"No! I'm not that smart." I laughed.

"You're the smartest girl I know," he said. "And I'm not just saying that because we kiss," he added, his lips quirking into a smile.

"How about you?" I said, quirking an eyebrow.

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