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A dark night made its way after beautiful day, every bird started going back to its nest and every human started to there home to their family, but every house is not home and not every human is blessed with family.

A Black suv made its way from gates to proch, A woman in her mid twenties stepped down from the car, going into house she directly went to her room, after long shower she moved towards Dining table for dinner, she scanned the table which had many dishes this triggered her anger.

Ehana was always wanted disciplined, she never allows to make more food in her house, has it leads to wastage of food, she know the value as she bought up In an orphanage, she hired cook because she cannot cook food but she alway prefere simple food even rice and dhal could make.

"Aunty, how many times I said you not to prepare more food" Ehana almost yelled at her cook

"I thought to prepare it today, because it's your birthday" Ehana know from where she know about her bday, she closed her eyes to control her anger

"Where is it aunty" she asked clenching her hand

"Coffee table" her cook answered gulping, Ehana took deep breath before talking again

"Aunty I didn't ment to shout at you sorry about that, and take all food with you and don't leave anything for me iam not hungry" she said and left towards cofee table.

She saw a box packed with glittering cover on coffee table, she threw it at the corner of the hall and slumped on sofa, pressing her temples she switched on the telivision but all her thoughts were on that box. Ehana knew what that box contain in it probably a apology letter and a gift.

Ehana's mother sends a gift with an apology letter on her every birthday, which remains her that how unwanted in this cruel world, she never saw her parents nor she had their photos, the care taker of the orphanage use to give her gifts on her every birthday which her mother sent, even now she gets them from orphanage, has her parents thinks that she is still in orphanage, in childhood she use to feel happy as she gets gifts but no one in the orphanage, but she was 11 years old she got to know everything what they parents did to her, after that she never opened gifts but when she was 15 she got a apology letter from her mother on her birthday along with gift, she opend that curiously and read where her mother apologized her for everything, but she didn't want to forgive her parents who made her childhood miserable And she felt there is no point in asking sorry when they are the one who decided to throw her out of their lives.

She slept there feeling loneliness and darkness of her life, she cursed her fate for making reality check every night.

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