Poem- locked

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I really don't know what this poem is about myself.  I think its about a very complicated person who is still trying to control all their emotions by hiding them. I hope you like it

You may think all of this is not real
But I know that's not how you feel
You just think that's easier to believe
But by doing that you deceive
Yourself and everything you were
How could you let it get that far
You tell everyone your okay
But we both know the lies in what you say
You act like you don't care
But really you fear
You fear the paths you have chosen
With your heart broken
You fear the thought of letting anyone in
Because you fear they will see your sins
You lock yourself away from everything
Fearing the disasters it might bring
You hurt yourself slowly
You destroy yourself unknowingly
You give your trust to the lord
But still afraid to see the world
Why do you cause yourself so much pain
Your body and soul is drained

Was it really hard to ask for help

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