Poem-stop women abuse

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I wrote this poem because these past months women have been dying everyday. Some woman was killed by her boyfriend while she was pregnant. Some women are raped and killed just for wearing skinny jeans. It really isn't fair.
I hope you enjoy it. Stop women abuse

We cry but sometimes  it's like no one cares
The way women are treated today, its not fair
Why do women have to live in fear
Afraid of the men's glares
What happened to the men we called father
Why are they killing our mothers
What happened to humanity
Why do these criminals walk free
How can a man kill a woman and still don't feel guilt
How can he have the heart to slice the knife through her throat
How can he have the heart to continue raping her even when he hears her cry
How can he have the heart to walk away and let her die
Why does a woman have to die, just because she  refused a man
Why does the man have to tell the woman what she cant and can
Why do they hurt themselves in the name of love
Well i say its enough
Why does she have to breathe without air
I cry to god
I cry to the lord
Where are the nations cops
Because this abuse needs to stop
I pray for the women who have died because of this
May their souls rest in peace

Stop women abuse

No offense to the men who read this

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