The Spells

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Chapter 9: The Spells

Draco did everything he could not to watch Hermione Granger's delicate ankle dance ever so slightly as she absentmindedly crossed her left leg over right, her foot dangling gracefully into the aisle. She had her head propped up on her left palm, biting lightly on her lip while tapping her cheek rhythmically with her finger. Her usual mass of curls was pulled back, strewn over her shoulders. Every now and then she seemed as though she might glance to her left, to where he was leaning against the window, and he would instinctively look toward the ceiling, the floor, the back of Zabini's head – anywhere to prevent meeting her eye.

It seemed that whenever he did, he was revealing a bit too much for his liking.

Eventually Snape swooped into the classroom and Granger immediately straightened, her hand reaching instinctively for her quill. Draco, remembering himself just in time, held back a laugh.

"Today," Snape began, letting his eyes sweep over his classroom, "We will be turning our attention to nonverbal spells."

Draco watched as Granger's eyes lit up; he thought she saw them flick back and forth rapidly as though she was skimming an imaginary book. She'd no doubt be scanning the archives of her mind.

Reading a book is one thing, he thought, smirking. Performing . . . quite another.

"This lesson is to help prepare you for the Dueling Tournament, as the seventh year students will no doubt be employing them when possible," Snape continued. "Consider it a favor."

He paused, lip curled in what appeared to be his version of a joke.

"What is a nonverbal spell?"

Granger's hand shot up, disturbing the desk and causing Draco to jump in alarm. The bounce of her ankle threatened to redirect his attention yet again.

Snape merely looked at her, pursing his lips impatiently.

"Mr. Malfoy."

Draco tipped his head back slightly, sighing in frustration. Granger looked at him urgently, as though every moment he didn't speak, the world came that much closer to collapse.

"A nonverbal spell is exactly what it sounds like," he said, trying to keep his voice even and free of sarcasm. "The user merely focuses on the spell mentally without saying anything aloud."

Snape inclined his head, an unfriendly affirmation. "And what is the advantage of a nonverbal spell?"

Granger's hand sliced menacingly through the air again. She uncrossed her legs entirely this time, scooting to the very edge of her seat and very nearly forcing Draco to jump out of the way of all her eager limbs.

Snape sighed deeply. "Miss Granger, please tell us as quickly as possible," he said curtly, "lest you explode in the process."

She blatantly disregarded the slight. "With a nonverbal spell, your adversary has no warning about what kind of magic you are about to perform, which gives you a split-second advantage."

"Correct," he said, nodding.

Draco gradually tuned him out as the lecture continued; Snape was wise enough not to invite any more answers from the audience, which kept Granger calm – in a sense. She was now furiously scribbling notes, all entirely illegible.

Draco had become extraordinarily accustomed to confining things to the depth of his mind as of late, so this shouldn't be too difficult a lesson. He was reasonably confident that his magic wouldn't be adversely affected by restricting it to the confines of his thoughts.

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