The Ambush

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Chapter 29: The Ambush

"Hermione – Hermione, what are you doing?"

Potter was struggling pointlessly against his restraints.

"Granger," Draco said, his voice low. "Granger, don't do this – I told you, I told you this was my burden, not yours – "

"Your burden?" Potter wrenched his body around to try and face Draco. "This is what you've been doing all year? Trying to kill Dumbledore?"

Draco ignored him. "Granger, listen to me," he insisted, trying to keep his voice calm. "I know you think you need to do this for me, but you don't, you don't – "

"Malfoy," she said, sighing deeply. "You don't understand – "

"You knew?" Potter interrupted, looking at Hermione with astonishment. "You told me that he was – Hermione - you lied to me – "

"Potter, please - the grown ups are talking," Draco muttered, fighting to regain Granger's full concentration. "Granger – Granger, just – just let me go, okay? And we can talk about this – "

"No." She shook her head vigorously. "No, both of you – just shut up."

"Hermione – "

"I said shut up," she repeated, glaring at Potter from where she stood over Dumbledore. "You don't know the whole story." Her eyes flicked down to Dumbledore. "Do they, Professor?"

The old man had a placid smile on his face. "You really are the brightest witch of your age, Miss Granger," he said thoughtfully, shaking his head.

She gave him a look of supreme displeasure.

"Granger," Draco said, catching her eye. "Don't – please, Granger, I'm begging you" – and he was, truly – "Don't damage your soul on my behalf." His voice shook as he pleaded with her.

"What is he saying?" Potter said, straining. "Hermione, what is he talking about? Are you – " he stopped abruptly, a look of anguish coming over his face. "Are you helping him, Hermione?"

She hesitated. "You don't understand, Harry," she said hurriedly. "He doesn't have a choice – You-Know-Who is going to kill him, and his family – "

"YOU LIED TO ME!" Potter roared, cutting her off. "How could you lie to me?"

"Harry, Harry – please, listen to me – there's so much you don't know," she said, wincing as though he'd struck her. "I knew you'd overreact - I knew you wouldn't understand – "

"He's one of them, Hermione!" he shouted back. "He's a Death Eater! How can you take his side? How can you – how can you even consider – "

Potter stopped, his face mottled with rage. "Think, Hermione! Think of what he's done – "

"I know, Harry - believe me, I know!" she cried, interrupting Potter and turning her tearful gaze to Draco. "I know, but I love him. I love him," she repeated, softer, shaking her head as though she'd resigned herself to her fate. Draco felt his chest burn at the agony he saw in her golden brown eyes.

"So what?" Potter spat. "Because you love him, you're a murderer now?"

"He's right," Draco said suddenly, finding his voice - loath though he was to agree with Potter. "He's right, Granger. Don't do it."

She sighed heavily. "Dumbledore is dying, Malfoy." Stunned, Draco's eyes fell to the professor for confirmation, but the old man's expression didn't change.

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