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𝐙𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐚 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐡 𝐋𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥
𝐁𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞, 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝

I watched on the side as they shocked the elderly women for the fourth time, trying to resuscitate her back to life. My heart was racing a mile a minute. I was trained and ready to see things like this, but..it was still a crazy sight to see.

"Time of death; 20:34," Doctor. Michaels announced while stepping away from the woman, still with the defibrillator in his hands.

The other nurses and I began to throw out the syringes and medications into the biohazard bin.

I stepped over to the heart rate machine, watching as a straight line went across the screen. I turned it off then looked at the women. Her name was Jamie Web, she was a Jewish woman, so we had to respect her religion and leave her there until a funeral home director came and picked her up.

We pulled the blanket over her face then proceeded to call someone from the autopsy lab to take her down there.

I stepped out of the room, walking towards the desk to get back to working on my charts.


Walking out of the hospital, towards my car, I continued to think about earlier. Ten hours had passed, but something still had my mind on it. Usually I would move on and acknowledge that was just the cycle of life, but something about her stood out to me.

Maybe it was that she had been my patient for five months and I'd been told so many stories about her childhood that to see her go struck something in me.

The sound of laughing made me turn and look to my right. I noticed a group of three girls walking.

"It's not funny," one of them said with a person over their shoulder.

"It is, Lauren just can't handle her liquor. That doesn't mean she has alcohol poisoning, Ash."

"She's been throwing up for five hours and passing in and out. Even if she doesn't have alcohol poisoning this isn't normal."

They were almost towards the emergency room, so I decided to continue to walk towards my car while saying a mini prayer that the girl was ok.

My phone rang, making me quickly reach into my bag and pull it out to answer. I honestly didn't want to talk to anyone, so I clicked the power button on my phone twice, making the phone hang up and stop ringing. I tossed it in the passenger seat along with my bag, sighing. I was probably going to regret doing that without looking at the contact, but I would deal with the repercussions later. Too much was on my mind at the moment.

I pushed the 'start' button, making my engine rumble with the start of the car. Before putting my seat belt across my body, I slipped the hair tie that was holding the high pony tail up on my head out of my head, making my week old straightened hair fall down onto my back.

"Oh, what a day, what a day, what a day," the radio emerged, playing Erykah Badu's "On & On".

Putting the car in reverse, I pulled out of my parking spot, thanking that I got a little time to myself.

"The man that knows something knows that he knows nothing at all," I sang along, tapping my fingers on the steering wheel.

As I drove down the street, I remembered that I needed to go grocery shopping since I didn't this past Saturday.

Go now or later?

I had to work a little longer today, so my mom had already taken Moriah to school, meaning I didn't have to worry about picking him up till 2:30.

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