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𝐙𝐲𝐦𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐧 𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫
𝐁𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞, 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝

Pulling through the cemetery gates, I turned down my radio, being respectful to the others that were there in support of their loved ones. I followed the path until I noticed the black bench shaped tombstone that I knew way too well. Approaching it, I slowed the car down, coming to a complete stop. My chest began to feel heavy as I put the car in park, taking off my seat belt.

"Damn man," I sighed, reaching in the back of my seat to grab the spray bottle, rag and peony's I picked up. I hopped out of the car, instantly checking my surroundings. I walked straight towards the tombstone, stopping once I was standing in front of it. A slight smile came to my face when I saw the picture of my old friend, Noel. The picture was of her smiling wide, looking the happiest I may have ever seen her.

I felt the tears creeping up on me as I thought about our old memories. "Damn, you about to make me cry," I chuckled, trying to keep myself from crying. Taking a step back, I bent down, beginning to spray her tombstone down. "Nothing the same without you, Elle. Every day I think about us in high school, or how you should've been here with me...how I could've saved you," I wiped the water off, seeing it begin to shine again. "You my sister and I could've done more for you. I should have." A tear rolled down my face, but I ignored it, continuing to clean. "Alright, enough of the sad shit, I know you probably looking down at me like 'this man really crying?'. I know you doing good, Noel happy 26th birthday, love you."

I sat in the grass, trying not to continue to cry. After a lil' while, I grabbed my phone and turned it on to see my screen saver of Noel, Slim,Teeno, and I back when we were younger.

"Slim coming up here later with Lina. I would've came with 'em, but they asses take too long."

I'd known Noel since she moved on my block the summer before middle school. I really didn't plan on befriending her till someone pushed her down at the bus stop. We'd been tight since after that.

I continued to talk to her for about thirty minutes before I stood up and began to walk back to my car. As I got adjusted in my seat, I looked back at her tombstone, sighing then turned on the car, calling my mom. I'd been calling her almost every day like Cleo advised me to. Today, I was going to spend time with her though.

"Zy'?" Her voice came through the phone once she picked up.

"Yea, hey momma."

"Hi, baby is everything ok?"

"Yes," I chuckled. "Are you hungry?"

"Am I hungry? Um, yes. Should I cook? You come over?"

"No, we can go get something to eat, are you dressed?"

"Noo...I still have my... what is it, ropa de coche?"

"Pajamas," I told her.

My mom was a Honduran Garifuna, raised in Honduras which made her first language Spanish. She'd gotten way better at English from when I was kid, but still struggled in certain parts, so she needed help which I didn't mind giving her.

"Oh, pa-jamm-as?" She tried to pronounce it slowly.

"Yea, get dressed, I'm on the way."

"Ok.. how far?"

"About thirty minutes."

"Ok, ok, bye bye."

"Bye," I chuckled as the phone hung up.

On my way to her house, I decided to stop at Target and pick up some things I ran out of; body wash, hand soap, laundry detergent, snacks, and air plug ins.

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