Burn Fast

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Chapter 26: Burn Fast


"Dad," Draco said sharply, his footsteps thudding against the hardwood. "I need to talk to you."

Lucius looked up from where he stood in the boardroom doorway, his gaze seeming to travel a long way before his attention settled on Draco's approaching stride. "What are you doing here?" he asked, more gruff than startled. "I thought - "

"Did you know?" Draco demanded, not wasting time with pleasantries. "About Dumbledore. I know you were there, Dad," he snarled, and Lucius' expression stiffened, his mouth opening and closing in wordless denial. "I saw the medical reports and you were fucking there - "

Lucius looked over Draco's shoulder, furiously scanning the room, and then grabbed his arm, yanking him inside the boardroom.

"Watch your mouth, Draco," Lucius hissed, letting the door fall shut behind them. "Do you have any idea what you're saying?"

"You tell me," Draco snapped maniacally, glaring back at him. "You knew this whole time? About Dumbledore? And Scabior?"

"Scabior? Draco, what the fuck - "

"You were there," Draco shouted again, feeling helpless and empty and bitten by deception. "You were there - "

"Yes, I was there," Lucius snarled, gritting his teeth as his fingers tightened around Draco's arm. "Okay? Fine, I was there - but you getting all fucking worked up like this isn't going to help, Draco - "

"Did you help him do it?" Draco asked, feeling a cool rush of numbness spread through his bones as everything he'd trusted as true - trusted as real - suddenly fled his constitution, dissipating in the air between him and his father. "Who pulled the trigger?"

Lucius' eyes flashed, lines of guilt or greed carved hard into his cheeks.

"Tom," he said slowly, but resumed his grip, insistent. "But you have to understand that Dumbledore was letting this club fall apart, Draco - he was letting us drown, and Tom pulled us out - he made us fucking powerfulagain - "

"You call this powerful?" Draco demanded. "How many brothers have been hurt? Been killed? Dad, fucking wake up - "

"That's on Greyback, not us," Lucius said flatly. "That was Greyback, and he's dead."

"And what about Scabior?" Draco challenged. "If you knew this whole time who he was - if you knew he was working with Tom, why the fuck did you let us put our lives in danger? What did you let me," he heaved roughly, "put myself in danger? I'm your fucking son, Dad!"

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Lucius asked, blinking, and Draco stared at him, trying to gauge the truth of his reaction. "What do you mean he was working with Tom?"

"I know they're related, Dad," Draco spat. "I already know, so just drop the act, would you?"

"They're not related," Lucius parroted blankly, his hold suddenly loosening from around Draco's arm. "That's impossible, Tom doesn't have any family - "

The door opened, and they froze.

"You're right," Tom interrupted, and Draco reflexively stepped back, his hand floating cautiously to the Glock at his waistband. "I don't have any family, and I see now what a pity it is indeed. Hopefully you won't mind me intruding on yours," he mused, and then let his blue eyes flick to Draco's motion. "Oh, no, that won't do," he tutted quietly, shaking his head and gesturing. "Lucius?" he beckoned, stepping inside and shutting the door behind him. "If you wouldn't mind divesting Draco of his weapon. He doesn't look to be in the proper state of mind to operate it."

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