Lapis X Peridot X Reader (Earth)

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(A/N: Oh my word!!!! Another request!!!! {I'm not a hundred percent sure this is exactly what you wanted, so feel free to tell me if you want me to do another one or something similar. And sorry it took so long.} Thank you so much! Some romantic fluff for the soul. This takes place after Lapis moves into the barn, but before she runs off to the moon. Little short, Sorry!)

"I don't like this."

My words really summed up the entire situation. I came to earth with three gems, a Peridot, Jasper, and a Lapis. The Lapis was a prisoner, and I was a long range warrior. I was the best {Your Gem} to ever hold a crossbow. So much so that I got my own identification, (Y/N).


I was following this little... Steven.

He and the Crystal Gems found me months after we arrived. I had hidden in a nearby forest, but when I encountered a 'corrupted' gem. Well let's just say I needed to be saved.

"Don't be so gloomy!" Steven pulled me along from the warp-pad towards an odd-looking building, "I'm bringing you to your new home! And your new roommates!"

"Woah! Woah! Hold it!" I pulled back on the human's arm, then quickly made sure I didn't break him, "You didn't say anything about... roommates."

"Oh yeah!" He smiled up at me, as if he was innocent, "You'll be rooming in the Barn with-"

"Steven!" I kinda recognized the voice, but at the same time it was so foreign, "Who is-?"

Then we saw one another. I looked the same, being as I haven't been poofed since my arrival, but she... She looked so different. She had lost her limb extensions, and she looked... More radiant.

"Um Steven?" Peridot pulled the human off, then whispered to him just loud enough so I could hear it, "I know she's comfortable around me now, but Lapis might not like her being around."

I rolled my eyes, hiding the prick of pain I felt inside, "You know I can hear you right? For a Peridot, you can be dense sometimes."

"(Y/N)!" Steven frowned at me, "Remember, you need to be nice."

I sighed, "Whatever you say My Steven."

"Don't call me that."


I could hear voices above the doorway of the 'Barn'. And then I saw the blue gem sitting in front of some odd metallic-box.

"Lapis!" Peridot yelled up to her, "Steven is here!" She whispered this last part, "With a new roommate."

She saw me, she immediately flew down, "What is she doing here?"

I sighed, "Look. I'm sorry. I was just doing my job, but now I realize that that was wrong."

Peridot walked around me. She was smaller than me without her limp extensions. If you want a full reference of scale, I was about at the midway point between Lapis's height and Peridot's.

Peridot looked at Steven and Lapis, ignoring my existence, "I don't think she's being completely honest."

I rolled my eyes, "No you idiot. I'm telling the truth. I'm honestly sorry I was doing what I thought I should be doing. It's not my fault I was made to be cruel."

Seven looked at me, "Please stop being sarcastic. I can't tell when you're being honest."

I sighed, "Sorry sorry. Old habits die hard."


Steven left as the night fell.

Surprisingly, Peridot grabbed me and Lapis by the hand and pulled us into the upper floor of the barn. She pushed us down onto an elongated soft chair that sat before another metallic box.

"Okay!" Peri walked to the TV, "Now, the three of us need to get along. So here's the plan."

She pressed a button on a small rectangle, and the voices from before came back. The box lit up, and I could see my 'roommates' smiles.


I watched the 'show'. As the night went on, I made sure to focus on it.

"So?" Peridot stopped the show, "What did you think?"

I sighed, "I don't know why the creators keep pushing Percy with this 'Paulette' human. It's clear that the pairing of Percy and Pierre would result in the best pair. Percy is superior on the water while Pierre is remarkable on land. I mean the fact that Percy was able to hold his breath inhumanly long proves his prowess, while Pierre's climbing and sheer speed is enough to run everyone else up the wall."

Peridot beamed, "She gets it!"

Peridot jumped up and ran to our resting place. I assumed she was just returning to her seat, but then I was attacked.

"Hey!" I tried to push her off, but her grip was ridiculous for a Peridot, "What's your problem!? I thought you said I did good! Why are you attacking me!?"

She had pushed me into Lapis, and I could tell even she was uncomfortable, she pulled back, "I'm not attacking you. Steven calls it a 'hug'. I thought..."

I sighed, opening my arms as she had done before, "If you want..."

Peridot encased me in a 'hug' once more, I could see Lapis slightly smiling at the interaction. I must have done something right.


Months passed and the three of us had gotten closer.

I helped out with Pumpkin and the garden, and made a lot of Meep Morps.

"Hey Lapis! Peridot! (Y/N)!" I heard the kid's voice from my place on the 'truck bed'.

I looked around, it's not like I could call back. Lapis and Peridot had taught me about this thing called 'sleep'. And apparently 'sleep' can be disturbed by loud noises. And I now was met with the situation of Peridot asleep on my lap, and a sleeping Lapis holding me in her arms. I had 'turned down' Camp Pining Hearts so as to not disturb the two of them.

I saw a small rock within arm's reach, so I picked it up and chucked it down where I had heard Steven before.


He kept calling out, but it didn't seem to stir the two gems resting with me. I sighed, then gently picked Peridot up and placed her where I had rested in Lapis's lap.

I looked over the edge of the truck bed, "Those two are asleep Steven. And I was hoping I wouldn't have to move," I whispered the next part as I looked away, "I was very comfortable between the two of them."

Steven gave the look, you know the one, "I see someone is enjoying their stay at the barn~"

I smiled, "Yes my company is always pleasurable."

"That's not what I- Nevermind."

I chucked another small rock over the edge, "And for future references; Things falling from the sky usually mean something. Especially rocks."

Steven laughed at a joke I didn't get, then looked back up at me, "Can you wake them up? I came to visit."

I sighed, then went over to the two. I felt heat rise to my face as I placed my lips on each of their cheeks then started to shake them awake.

"Wake up guys," I smiled, "Steven's here."

Peridot immediately popped up and made her way down on a trash can lid, while Lapis grabbed onto me and helped me down to the ground.

Honestly... This. This was the best feeling I had ever felt

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