Werewolf!Garnet X Winged!Werewolf!Reader (Protecting My Alpha)

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(A/N: Another request! Thank you so much! Requests are still opened and encouraged! {I've never written something like this so I hope I did your vision justice. Though I might not have done a good job highlighting the Au stuff.} {Also I'm imagining you as if you are a Lapis to account for the 'Winged' thing, and to set your class/pack status. But I'm always going to address you as (Y/N).} This takes place in an au, so it's not in the main series. But it does talk about Garnet's origin.)

It all started in Era 1

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It all started in Era 1.

The Alphas under Blue Diamond were gathering to discuss the rebellion by the rogue Rose Quartz. This Quartz was somehow an Alpha, despite being created as a Quartz.

I was a beta. Sure I was important, but I wouldn't be missed too badly.

I felt my cheeks heat in second-hand embarrassment when an omega Ruby guard bumped into an Alpha Sapphire. I was close enough to hear the encounter.

"Oh, I, um, I'm so sorry, I, let me, uh..." The Ruby backed up, unsure what to do.

"I'm fine."


The Sapphire's expression didn't change, "It's okay. It was bound to happen."

"I, uh... okay."

"Now please wait here. I must attend to my duties." The Rubies nodded and waited as their charge made her way to Blue Diamond.


The Sapphire returned and stood at the side of the Ruby, I was lucky enough to be close enough to hear it.

The Sapphire spoke to herself, loud enough for the Ruby and I to hear, "What a beautiful place to build a colony. I wish I could have seen more of this planet."

The Ruby looked at her league, "Uh... there's still time."

"That is a nice thought, but no."

In the next instant a voice filled the room, "Blue Diamond, leave this planet! This colony will not be completed!"

"It's the rebels!"

The intruders spoke, "We are the Crystal Gems!"

I let my wings open, not knowing if I was going to fight or fly away. I was frozen as a rebel Pearl cut down four of the omega gems, then she separated the Ruby fusion, then she destroyed the form of two of the three Rubies. That left the Ruby that I had kept my eye on laying on the ground.

"Thank you, Ruby. You did your best."

My form was frozen. Me and the Ruby could both tell what she was really saying. She had known this would happen. And she was going to be sacrificed. Maybe only dissipated, but still.

I was frozen, but the Ruby could still move, "No!

The Ruby pushed The Sapphire out of the way, but then...

It was gorgeous. When the two reformed, they were one enchanting being. Her hair was a splotchy mix of vibrant pink and blue. Three eyes against darker skin. She was taller than me, and had an amazing figure. She had two gyms on the palms of her hands, and her attire was an odd celebration of the two.

It was glorious. She was the prettiest being I had ever laid my eyes on. My cheeks were enveloped in heat.

"Wha-" She looked at her palms, "What!? What... What is this?"

The Pearl was stalled, but then she rose her spear to attack again. Finally my body could move again. I rushed in between the two and extended my wings as far as they could go, "Leave her alone."

"Let's go."

Then it was over. My legs collapsed under me. So I landed at her feet with my wings to her.

"Is this..?" Then she was gone. She had returned to the forms of the two gems that made her.



"This is unheard of!"

Fear filled me as Blue Diamond spoke, "The rebels have fled. Sapphire, this was not the scenario you described!"

The Sapphire was freaking out, "This is... not what I saw! I don't know what happened, I..."

The Ruby stood, "No! It was me!"

"Clearly. How dare you fuse with a member of my court?"

I wanted to speak up, my mouth wouldn't let me.

"Forgive me, I-!"

"You will be broken for this!"

My voice opened a path for my will, "No!"

I saw the Sapphire grab the Ruby's hand, and in that instant... I knew what to do. I scooped the two in my arms, then I used my wings for what I wanted. I used them to get these two safe.

"Wait what are you!?"


"That was how it all started," I sat there with a small child in my arms. This little being was known as Steven, Rose's son.

Garnet came up behind me, "There was more to it then that Darling," She kissed my cheek, "You need to tell him about how Ruby and Sapphire fused permanently."

"I know," I sat the boy in his crib, "But he's sleepy. And I'd rather tell that part with you. You always remember it better then I do."

I placed my lips on hers, "And besides. He's too young to remember all of this."

She smiled at Greg's child, "Then maybe we should surprise him when he gets older. Wait to tell him until he's definitely old enough to remember."

I kissed her once more, "Love you my Alpha."

"Half Alpha."


She chuckled and placed her lips on my forehead, "I love you to baby."

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