Chapter Twenty-One: Family Matters

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"I can't believe my baby sister's getting married tomorrow." My older sister, Ashley, dramatized a squeal while pinching my cheeks. I rolled my eyes at her, swatting her hands away from my face.

"Ashley, knock it off before I start talking about your previously secret girlfriend," I stated. She shook her head at me, her teasing smile gone.

"You're so dramatic, Emerson."

"Ashley, leave your sister alone," Rose interrupted, with a shake of her head and an amused smile.

My other two sisters, Kelsey and Margie, join our small group. Their husbands gathered across the room with Maverick and our father as we awaited the moment the rehearsal began. All my friends- Clara, Landon, Flynn, Ethan, Kelly, James, and London- were all standing separate from everyone else. My mom stood with her husband- once again- separate.

"Have you spoken with Mom tonight?" Kelsey asked me. I shook my head.

"I probably should go talk with her." They all nodded, and I stepped away from the group, taking a deep breath.

How was I supposed to start a conversation with my mother when her husband was in hearing distance? When I was younger, I was able to avoid that situation, and- on the rare occasion when there was no way to avoid the situation- I just ignored him(yes, it was childish and possibly rude, but my mother should have thought of that before marrying him).

"Hey, Mom," I said, hugging her.

"Oh, Emerson, I'm so happy for you," Mom said, wrapping her arms around me as well. I smiled, and it wasn't nearly as ingenuine this time as last.

"I know, I can't wait for it to be tomorrow already," I said with a smile, pulling away from the hug.

"You're not nervous at all for tomorrow?" she asked. I fought back and forth in my mind for a moment.

"Maybe a teensy bit, but I'm much more excited." She smiled at me, staying quiet for a moment as she studied my face.

"Well, you chose a great man to spend the rest of your life with." I nodded with an excited smiling, looking towards where Maverick spoke with my father and my brother-in-laws.

We were still unsure of when Maverick's family would show up- or whether they'd show up at all. Well, it would be unfair to say that, when the only people in question were his parents and his younger brother.

"You seem very happy, Emerson," Mom pointed out in a content tone.

I didn't want to think about it, but my mind immediately went to: Oh, so you can read all my emotions clearly when I'm happy but not when I'm crying my eyes out to you?

I managed a smile and nodded. "This is the happiest I've been in a long time."

Her smile fell ever so slightly.

"I should probably go call Keely," I pointed out, taking my phone out of the white and gold clutch I was carrying. Mom looked confused. "Maverick's sister." She nodded in understanding, and I smiled. "I'll talk to you later."

I found somewhere quiet and dialed Keely's number. She picked up after a few rings.

"Hey, Emerson," Keely said.

"Hey, I was just wondering where you guys were. Are you guys almost here?" I asked. There was a bit of whispering on the other end that I couldn't hear. "What was that, Keely?"

"We're not gonna be able to make it tonight," she said. "I'm so sorry, Emerson."

I took a deep breath. "That's fine. Is everything okay?"

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