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"I fucking hate you for this.." he mumbled causing me to chuckle,

"Love you too, bud!" I said earning a soft chuckle from him.

Both of us waited for Karl to arrive in silence, we were both really tired so we just decided not to talk. That or Alex is probably still thinking about the Love Or Host thing.

After waiting for quite a while, a train could be heard arriving soon. We both got up from our seats, excited to meet our friend in real life for the first time.


The train slowly halted into a stop as me and Alex scan through the crowd looking for a certain someone. Alex had his phone in hand, and to which I didn't really think much of.

It took a while before I turned to Alex saying, "Sure is taking a while, you think he missed his train or something?" Alex looked at me and flashed me a look of worry before looking behind me and started grinning like an idiot.

I turned around and there he was, Karl Jacobs, flashing a huge grin at us. I grinned back before running up to him, almost tackling him to the ground.

"Woahh there, buckaroo! Didn't know you were that excited to see me," he said with us still hugging each other, I laughed at him before shaking my head.

"Holy shit! I can't believe your actually here!" I exclaimed before Karl let go and hit me playfully by the arm,

"Language! Dang, didn't know you'd start cussing this much after spending only a few days around Quackity," I let out another laugh before hearing someone walk up to us,

"HEY! KARLOS! WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!" said Alex in between laughs, it was their turn to hug each other now,

"Damn, Y/N was never THAT excited when I landed," said Alex as they broke off the hug, causing Karl to chuckle,

"Hey! In my defense, you snuck up on me! And we were both really sleepy remember? I had no energy to be excited," I pouted as Karl patted my head, laughing at me.

"Yeah, yeah. That's what they all say," said Alex, sending me a wink before adding, "So Karl! How long are you gonna be staying here for?" Alex helped with Karl's bags as we started walking, with me being in the middle of the two.

"Oh, right. Probably until next Thursday, which is by the way, the day AFTER YOUR LOVE OR HOST," said Karl shooting a playful glare at Alex who just laughed it off and shrugged,

"I'm guessing Mr Loverman here didn't tell you about it either?" I looked at Karl and to which he replied by shaking his head and faking a shocked expression,

"What the honk? He didn't tell you either? Man, that is messed up, Big Q!" said Karl sarcastically which caused us to laugh,

"Yikes! Okay, my bad! But we are not going through the same conversation twice!" Alex said shooting me a look while Karl had this confused look but decided to brush it off anyways,

"Oh yeah, Y/N, do you mind me crashing at your place? I know I'm technically here to also see my cousin-" which caused me and Alex to pull a fake shocked face at the news that he wasn't entirely here for us,

"BUTTTTTT! I would much rather prefer to crash with you guys and be temporary flat buddies for the next few days," he said smiling at us.

"Oh sure, I don't mind, although you might have to crash on the couch, Alex took the guest bedroom and I only have one," I said glancing at Alex,

"I mean.. I don't mind if you wanna share a bed with me Karl, although it is a bed fit for one person," Alex said in between laughs.

Me and Karl let out a laugh before Karl replied, "Sheesh, Quackity, I know we have this whole relationship going on, but I'm not sure Y/N would enjoy third wheeling!" he looked at me both boys laughing as I rolled my eyes.

L I G H T S || KarlJacobs/Quackity x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin