Chapter 1

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The last thing I remember was waking up in a forest didn't know anything about who I was or where I was from I only remembered my name, Eclipse and that I was 14. So cause of that things were always a bit creepy I went to sleep every night wondering who I was and were I was from. Now all I want is company you know its a bit creepy waking up in a forest all alone when your 14 I'm 18 now, only really lived 4 years of my life the other years are white noise on my head. Right now I'm sitting on the highest branch in a tree looking out over the bush at the ocean in the distance and the city sprawled out along it. I tried to go there but I guess I'm opposite to most people can be to scared to leave the city I'm to scared to leave the forest it feels safe out here the city is the wilds. I suck dirt at climbing, so how'd I get up here you may ask well I flew of cause. I'm a night angel just because I have no memories doesn't mean I don't know stuff I just don't know about my family and friends and where I came from. I fit every description of a night angel, long black curly hair, emerald green eyes, tanned from being in the sun, tall and light and the first thing you would notice about me wings, immense deep black wings one wing was as largen as I was tall folded the tips brushed my ankles. I wasn't entirely alone I had a little friend I called Alette the name means winged and she was my little winged friend my baby falcon. She sat perched on my wrist cleaning her wings then looking out over the trees her eyes scanning every detail, with my free hand I stroked her feathers and she muzzled my hand with her face. Giggling I stood up on my branch holing on the the tree my long black dress blowing around my legs in the wind. The reason why I was up in a tree was cause I loved the feeling of being high in the air the wind rippling around my body peacefully the joy of any winged animal. Alette flew of circling around the tree teasing me to join her. I extended my wings feeling the tug of the wind and I fell backwards of the branch twisting in the air I snapped my wings out and glided peacefully over the tree tops. I shot through a gap in the canopy and weaved through the trunks of trees and pulled to a stop beating the air hovering before landing softly on the ground. Sighing it was getting late I walked over to my little 'home' in a tree basically it was just a small platform with a mattress and some blankets hanging from the brach above acting as a screen. I fluttered up and through my self down Alette was on her little perch snoozing away with her head tucked under one wing. I pulled a blanket over me and fell asleep.

Unknown POV

I had just sat down on the couch for the day when alpha came storming in, "hey beta get me some water would you"
"Yes alpha" I said bowing and walking to the kitchen. Trust me he was a good alpha but he was a pain im the back side I hated him I was his beta not some slave to run and do his chores for him. My wolf side bowed down to him and respected him but my sane side wanted to punch the living day lights out of him. I walked out of the kitchen gave him his water he just grunted, like omg no thank you Callum's just a bloody grunt. Man I needed a run to chill I fled into the forest shifting as I ran changing into my speckled grey/black wolf. I ran to the edge of the territory and sat down calming my angry mind. I was about to leave when a wind flew over me. I looked up an saw a shadow glide away blending in with the lengthening shadows I sniffed the air and damn did it smell good I wanted to howl to the moon. Every part of my very being told me to follow the sent but it wen out of the territory but as soon as I stepped over this line with out permission I was a gonna. So I forced my self to turn around and head back before I went mad, man it felt like I just did drugs or something it was that maddening. Okay I made a promise to my self that I would somehow find thew source of that smell I'd ask alpha retard if I could check it out tomorrow.

When I mad it back to the pack house it was almost 10 alpha stood out side the door tapping his foot at me impatiently. "Where the hell have you been?" he asked when I shifted back.
"Just went for a run" I said bowing to him and heading inside.
"With out letting your alpha know"
"Well I didn't think that it was necessary"
"Why wouldn't it be"
"Well I just wondered why you would need to know where I was 24/7" seriously what was his problem he was treating me like how he did with his mate bitch needs to calm down.
"Stop being rude and questioning your alpha know your place beta" I bowed and made my way up stairs to my room flopping on my bed. I rolled over and looked at the empty space next to me every night I would imagine my mate there lying next to me safe in my arms. People in the pack judged my cause I didn't have my mate and I was 20. Your supposed to find your mate when you turn 18 in that year most people find them and here I am still alone. Both halves of my brain whined at the thought of not having her in my arms I always wondered is she safe happy. I wonder if she's a werewolf or another species it wouldn't matter either way she was mine and only mine I loved her and I haven't even laid eyes on her yet. I pushed my unruly blonde hair out of my face and slowly fell asleep after a long day with the pack training. I just want to put a few things out there about us werewolves well for starters the most annoying things we change fully! into wolf form not like those scary beasts from horror movies no we are elegant calm lovely little wolves 2. When we change form our cloths come with us so when we go back to human form we're not naked I mean it would be creepy otherwise 3. Our wolves look just like any other wolves same size just a smug larger then a grey wolf the only real thing that points us as different is our eyes they stay the same as our human form and every wolf has different eyes like finger prints. Thats all the main stuff spoken of now I can sleep soundly at night knowing this. Oh one last thing people say we have wolves talking in our head and thats our other form but we don't we have how us werewolves put it two sides of our brain what the wolf thinks and what the human thinks in our two forms the corresponding side is stronger. So in out wolf form our wolf instincts are stronger than our human ones thats as well as I can explain it its really confusing you have to be it to understand it.

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