Hawk moth ft. Pubes moth

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Yet another day in paris were the bussy bird coo-ing all masterbating with baguettes.

Marinate going to school with that one not out lesbiane bitch of a best friend. They talk about there weekends and Marinate mentions how she lost her V-card to a 40 year old hunk of a man. The gay bitch says "sweet home alabama" and moves on. 

Hawk moth in his lair releasing another evil accoma this time PUBES. His evil plan was to make everyones bussy hair grow until the world was full of the smell of fish and other bodily functions. 

This sets up a TW in miraculous ladybugs head and she changes but it take a little longer now since she had lost her bag and is now using her choocie cheek as her kawmies holder. 

Miraculous ladybug  calls cat nior and he is triggered and through the vibrations of his bussy since he had lost his pole making him moan in class when sitting next to that bubble blower bitch that is sleeping with Marinates gay friend. 

The hair has grown 4ft so far miraculous ladybug qeefing up building trying to find cat nior but can't and does the mission on her own. 

Cat nior horny af decides to talk to Hawk moth but as the bussy hair grow make out. Cat nior gets pushed on to a wall pushing some kind of lever pulling his dead mom up. But Cat nior pretends to not knowledge his dead mom, and preforms gay sex of hawk moth. 

Miraculous ladybug Saves the day by her flapping bussy cheeks and swings them to catch the accoma

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Miraculous ladybug Saves the day by her flapping bussy cheeks and swings them to catch the accoma. But Swing by and sees Haw moth and cat noir busting.

Miraculous ladybug devsated. 

and cat nior and hawk moth still recovering. 😩

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