22. Brooke - 1: Emotions and Sparks Fly (CGD)

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Brooke’s POV:

My first day off in weeks it seemed like and I was totally excited to spend it with my best friend. She had been so stressed out lately that I figured it was good for her to get out too. A movie date was perfect! And it would be just the two of us! I couldn’t imagine a better way to spend the day.

Working at the movies, I knew to be there early enough to get a good seat and still have time to buy our snacks. I also knew that going early for the Matinée showing was the best time for the ideal seats. The movie theater experience was an art. There was a practice to it and I had quite an advantage.

The place was its usual crowdedness and Peyton and I had arrived at just the right time. People were still coming in though as if everyone had free tickets to the movies today.

“It’s never this busy on a Wednesday,” I muttered while looking around to the front line to the snacks. It was taking longer than usual and more people just kept adding to it.

Peyton sighed next to me and glanced away. Her expression was just so heartbreaking and sad. I didn’t know what was bugging her so much, but it kind of bugged me too. She should’ve been happy, not gloomy and stressed.

Suddenly, my friend squeaked and dove behind me in an attempt to hide herself. It was quite unsuccessful considering she was taller than me by a few inches.

“What’s going on?” I asked quietly.

“Peyton?” someone asked before Peyton could answer. I turned to face a very familiar handsome man. It was the one who was giving Peyton all the trouble. The attractive immortal man! I had seen him at the coffee shop but seeing him up close was quite a treat. Smirking over at Peyton, I noticed a few people groan as he joined us.

He only assured everyone that he wouldn’t be cutting.

“Hey,” Peyton greeted uneasily as she stepped away from me. I beamed at her and her expression. So this was the one causing all the problems in her life. “Nate, this is my friend Brooke.”

I held out my hand which he happily took and shook. Peyton kept to herself and seemed even more distant than before. I frowned at her. She was acting so down and I didn’t like it.

“What are you doing here?”

“You know Sean and I always go to the movies on Wednesdays,” Nate replied.

“I thought you went at night?”

“Lily is coming over later for dinner so we came to an earlier one.”

I tried my best not to seem totally into their conversation. After all, it wasn’t about me and I really didn’t know what it was all about. Still, I couldn’t help but over hear.

“Well, nice to see you and all but Brooke and I are going to spend some girl time together,” Peyton said placing a hand on my shoulder. I looked between them two and understood her message clearly. She did not want to be around this guy for whatever reason. I’m sure she got enough of him during the week.

When he stayed by after that, I spoke up for her, “Can we help you?”

“I’m just going to wait for my friend. You don’t mind, do you?” He was looking only at me for an answer. I met Peyton’s eyes to see what I should respond with.  She crossed her arms and gave me a blank stare. That provided me with nothing and there was no harm in letting the guy wait for his friend with us.

I shrugged and said, “I guess.”

Peyton sighed again clearly bugged by the whole ordeal and I felt bad for not picking up her signals. An awkward silence filled the air between us as we waiting in line for the family in front of us to finish up their purchases.

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