Link's Lost

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(Red Fish has got online)

Red Fish: Why in Hylia is my name Red Fish

(Gerudo Girl has got online)

Gerudo Girl: Link had changed our names and gave away the ability to do anything, not even emojis and changing our names, not even able to post photos!

Gerudo Girl: Gerudo Girl as a name isn't that bad

Red Fish: Red Fish is so bad!!!!!!

(Happy Rock has got online)

Happy Rock: Happy Rock is a lame and corny name, sounds like restaurant. 

(Fallen Bird has got online)

Fallen Bird: My name is the worst of all!!!!!!!!

(Excuse Me Princess has gotten online)

Excuse Me Princess: I am going to have a talk with Link and report him to father, this is not behavior my own appointed knight should have.

Excuse Me Princess: Cuccos!

(Excuse Me Princess has been disconnected)

Red Fish: ????????

(Link has got online)

Red Fish: Change our names this instant or I will come over to Hyrule Castle with all of the Champions and track you down and electrocute and stab you and drown you and bomb you!!!!

Link: *crying*

Gerudo Girl: Did you hurt his feelings?

Fallen Bird: Well, he hurt my feelings!

Happy Rock: Mine too!

Gerudo Girl: Mine too, but we should figure out what is the meaning of this before we get to conclusions.

Red Fish: Urbosa, I sometimes see you as someone to look up too.

Gerudo Girl: Thanks Mipha

Fallen Bird: Enough with Happy talk, I want to change my name!

Happy Rock: Link changed the settings, don't forget he is the creator of this chat thing.

Fallen Bird: I will bomb his house up and shock him with my arrows alright

Happy Rock: I'm pretty sure he can kill you, meaning he is better than you because he got appointed as Zelda's appointed knight.

Red Fish: You couldn't beat Windblight ganon, and he was weak to arrows! Link beat him like in less than 1 minute.

Fallen Bird: Huh.

Link: *crying*

Gerudo Girl: Quit the crying, lockdown man

Gerudo Girl: He goes into full lockdown mode when mad or sad.

Link: :(

Link: My mom and dad died of an unknown sickness.

(Link has left)

Gerudo Girl: That explains it.

Red Fish: *crying*

Fallen Bird: moment of silence

Happy Rock: Goron Meeting of Silence.

(Excuse me princess has got online)

Excuse me princess: Link, I will hunt you down and- what's all this sadness?

Fallen Bird: Look up and don't cry.

Excuse me princess: ok.........OMG OMG OMG OMG

(Excuse me princess has left)

Red Fish: I assume she cried and left.

(Happy Rock left)

Gerudo Girl: mipha, I suggest you pay a visit to him.

Red Fish: Agreed, I'm on my way

(Red Fish has left)

(Fallen Bird has left)

(Gerudo Girl has left)


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