Chapter 19

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Alyson woke up the next morning with her bed empty. Alyson huffed, why was it that Hayden always woke up before her?

She snuggled deeper into the blankets determined not to get up anytime soon. Just as she finally managed to get comfy again someone opened her bedroom door. She relaxed her body and pretended to still be asleep.

"Kai, you gotta be quiet, Okay? Momma's been restless don't wake her," She heard Hayden's voice hushed.

Kai then instantly ignored him and rocketed into the bed and stuck his cold nose right in Alyson's face.

"Good to see you too boy," Alyson said gently pushing the pup's snout away from her.

"I was beginning to think you liked Elliot better than me," Alyson said giving the pup plenty of pets. He sneezed at her comment.

"Yeah, okay," Alyson said rolling her eyes at him.

"He's been glued to Eli like you wouldn't believe. I think Kai knows how rough it is for Eli right now," Hayden said crossing the room to sit on the bed with Alyson.

"Yeah, he's quite sensitive to emotions, I suppose. He did grow up when I was going through a rough patch I guess," Alyson said not meaning to start an argument but instantly Hayden crossed his arms and tensed up.

"You know that was rough for me too, right," Hayden said his tone sharp.

"I didn't say it wasn't. I was just saying he knows sadness when he sees it," Alyson said still gently petting Kai.

"You know I didn't want to do that to you right?" he said his voice and tone sharp.

"I know, I know. But it doesn't make it hurt any less," Alyson said slightly starting to lose her temper, Kai moved closer to her.

"Can you stop doing that?" He asked clearly growing aggravated.

"Doing what?" Alyson asked.

"The thing where you pretend to know what I'm saying then and try to discredit it!" He said standing his voice practically shaking.

"Why are you doing this right now? We just made up now you want another fight?" Alyson said wearily.

"I'm sick of always being the bad guy in our relationship!" Hayden barks starting to get more aggressive.

"No one ever said you were the bad guy. There is no bad guy in this situation," Alyson said caring as Hayden slammed his hand down on the desk.

"You don't need to say it. I can feel it in your emotions," Hayden said shouting now.

"What on earth are you talking about?" Alyson voice turning meek, but she knew Hayden would never lay a hand on her. She wasn't scared of him just trying to calm him.

"You're just brimming with anger, hurt, annoyance, and a bunch of other Bullshit," Hayden said swinging around. Kai started to get restless and sat between Alyson and Hayden.

The next time Hayden waved his hands Kai let out a low growl and hunkered down. Then Hayden froze as if realizing what he was doing.

"I...I..." He started but no words came out, Alyson saw all the anger disappear and his shoulders slouch he falls into the desk chair.

"Maybe I am the bad guy in this relationship. Here I am blessed with such a beautiful, strong, smart, and I'm being an ass that keeps hurting them," Hayden said his voice breaking. Alyson's heart clenched at seeing him in such a state.

"Like I said, Hayden, there is no bad guy in relationships. Just people who are learning how to love each other," Alyson said standing and approaching him slowly putting a gentle hand on his shoulder she felt him relax beneath her touch.

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