Chapter 15

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As my dad approached my bed, I was a little worried about what he would say to me as, honestly, he is a man of mystery at the end of the day.

As he took a seat at the end of my bed, he cleared his throat and then thought for a brief second before beginning to speak.

Honestly, that just made me even more nervous, because usually when he thinks it's something serious.

"Mason," he starts

"You are an incredible son and deserve the world, and I know that right now it might feel like this boy Conner is not willing to be who you want him to be, but I'm sure if he likes you, he will do them not only for you but for himself as well. Not to mention that there are plenty of other people out there who would kill to date you. I see your Instagram comments. So really, all I wanted to say is don't worry, let life run its course, and I'm positive that the best is yet to come ."

With that being said, he hugged me and got up off my bed and left, leaving me with a hot feeling and really and honestly viewing the whole situation differently now and feel a lot better than I was doing before the entire conversation. With that, I got up out of bed and went to do something I have been missing.

But as I got up, my phone started going off, so I took it out only to see that somehow Conner had requested to follow my Instagram and then added me on snap as well. So with that, I add him back on snap and accept and ask to follow him on Instagram, which he almost accepts instantly after I sent it, but with that, I like a few of his photos and then go to do my favorite pastime.

I go out to the back yard and start playing around with Volleyball as although I'm a nerd and might not be the most popular, one of my biggest secrets, besides the fact that I've met hundreds of celebs through my dad, is that I am extremely athletic and perfect in almost every sport just not Baseball.

I can watch it on tv, but I can not play for the life of me.

Shortly after I start playing around with Volleyball, my brothers all come out as they always enjoy seeing me play sports and still enjoy playing sports with them to make them better and practice with them.

Throughout our time being outside, we played some Volleyball, Soccer, Lacrosse, Football, and even Rugby.

I might look skinny, but I'm a little beast that can probably take down way bigger people than me.

As the sun starts to set, we sit there in a circle in the back yard. My brothers are currently trying to convince me to attend the volleyball tryouts tomorrow that are happening during lunch tomorrow. Honestly, I might do so because really, what's the harm in me showing up and giving these jocks something to talk about.

The volleyball team is very prestigious at my school, and I would surely make the team with my bomb ass skills.


As I walk into school the next day, I feel two sets of eyes on me and those belonging to Vic and Jack, and I see that Conner has his back turned to me, which makes me incredibly happy because that means I can go to class without him noticing I'm even here.

That is before Vic and Jack both wave me over to their group as I guess they want to ask me something.

When I get there, they greet me, and I welcome them all back, including Conner, who is blushing and trying not to look in my direction because he probably thinks I hate him and I am acting all kind to him.


"Do you want to sit with us at lunch today?" Vic asks, and I am a little shocked, not going to lie. Still, I kindly decline and let them know that I will be trying out for the volleyball team at lunch today. Nevertheless, to my shock, they then say that they will come and watch me try out at lunch today and tomorrow as those are when the tryouts are, and I nod my head before dismissing myself to get to my locker and get to class.

The first two classes go by really quickly, and Conner and I, although we are so close, have still said nothing to each other.

As I'm leaving Physics, I start heading for the gym locker room to change my athletic clothing. Now seeing all these guys are distracting, but I'm currently falling for the hottest guy in school, so there is no comparison.

Thankfully, this school is pretty good with the LGBTQ+ community, but there are still some people who are against it. Everyone in this school knows that I'm gay, but nobody cares because what can they do about it.

While changing, I hear the captain start talking to some of the other regular teammates about me and saying things like "really, how good could he be " or "does he think he is going to make it."

To that, I respond by walking out of the locker room, saying, " you just watch cause you have no clue what's about to happen in this gym."

I walk out to see all three of my friends sitting on the bench, to which I walk over and then run over to the couch and grab a volleyball so I can start practicing with some other boy as the coach has told us to do.

About 20 minutes into practice, the coach tells us to make two lines to start volleying the balls and spiking them onto the other side of the net, to which I am grateful because that is what I'm best at.

As my turn approaches, my nerves go away, and when I see the ball go up in the air, I come to the net, and I know how to and smack the ball directly onto the other side to which everyone is in awe.

As I'm walking back, I say, " I told you, you didn't know what was coming "

With like 30 minutes left until the tryouts are over, the coach divides us into two teams and lets us scrimmage, which I love because it makes me miss being on the court.

As we start to play, I hear Vic and Conner start shouting and hollering for me, and that makes me chuckle before handing the ball right over the net and running into position.

About 25 minutes later coach calls us all to the huddle, and he says we will have a practice tomorrow morning at 8:30, to which we all respond and then proceed to take down the equipment and get ready for the second half of our day.

As I go to leave, I hear many of the jocks from the team, including the captain, say that I did a great job and pat me on the back as I leave the change room to find Vic Conner and Jack outside waiting for me.

With that, I walk off to the third period, which is Functions, while still trying to recall all the material on our math test that will be taking place today, when I hear the voice of the most distracting angel ever, His name being Conner.

Once he reaches me, he stops in front of me and asks if he can talk to me again.

I stand still for a few minutes before responding to him, saying, " Sure you can, just not right now. I'm preparing for the math test we are about to write. After school and when I stop talking, I walk into the class, and so does Conner with the biggest smile on his face.

With that, the class starts, and everyone goes silent and starts writing one of the most challenging math tests I've ever seen.






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