Chapter 14

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Running through the garden
Oh where nothing bothered us

Draco and Harry made their ways down to the massive dining room with the crystal chandelier hanging over the long dark wood table. Draco's aunt was already seated, she was wearing a long black dress.

Draco and Harry took their seats across from her. "Boys you look handsome" She smiled warmly. "Thank you auntie" Draco smiled back. Harry smiled as well. "Harry how has school been?" Bellatrix looked at him with kind eyes. Harry could tell she was really trying so he decided to try too.

"School has been utter rubbish, it's so boring this year" Harry chuckled light heartedly. Draco smiled over at Harry because Draco could tell Harry was trying. "I completely understand that. And that rubbish headmaster of yours probably doesn't help" Bellatrix said.

Harry chuckled and agreed. They continued to have a conversation until house elves came into the room with plates of food. Narcissa came in as well in an emerald green dress. "Wow Mum you look absolutely gorgeous" Draco smiled at his mother.

"You boys look dashing. Harry you clean up nice" Narcissa smiled and took her seat. "Aunt Bella was just telling us how you two were troublemakers" Draco smiled and dug into his food, they all did.

"Oh yes some of the things I could tell you" Narcissa smiled. The fun, cheery, and loving banter continued for the rest of the meal. Harry took in the moment, he was really digesting how it felt to have a happy family.

Once dinner was finished they all helped clean, still talking and laughing. "Loves I think it's time I retire to my room." Bellatrix said and smiled before hugging all of them. Wishing them a good night.

"She's really being an angel" Harry said as he scrubbed dishes next to Draco. "Yeah, I actually believe her sob story now about how Voldemort was controlling her" Draco dried the dishes after Harry was finished with the washing. "Darling I'm tired" Harry yawned and rubbed his eyes. "How about we go send the letters to everyone coming to dinner tomorrow and then go to sleep?" Draco came up behind Harry, rubbing his sides.

"Okay" Harry laid his head back onto Draco's chest and yawned. Draco finished up the dishes for Harry then took him by the hand leading him upstairs to their room.


"I told you, you cannot sneak up on me like that" Bellatrix said sounding frustrated. The man sat down on her bed. "C'mon like you don't love being scared?" The man chuckled. "You must be quiet they may hear you" She said as she put her dress back into her wardrobe.

"Fine, I'll quiet down" He rolled his eyes and poked around her room. "Have you gained the boy's trust Bella?" The man looked at her.

"Yes Barty I have." She mumbled, annoyed. "But it's not time yet, I need to gain a little more it's only been a day" She searched around her room for her wand. "Looking for this?" Barty pulled her wand out of his pocket. His tongue flicking out of his mouth, an ugly habit he had. She rolled her eyes and took it. "Barty Crouch Jr. I will let this plan fall through if you continue to be a miscreant you bloke" Bellatrix sat down on her bed.

"You want to see him dead just as much as I do. Bella. We can do it right after Christmas, once they think it can't get any better. It won't, it'll get much worse" He smirked evilly.

"I like the way your brain works Barty" Bellatrix smirked as well. "Well I'll have a cheery time killing that little twit. The poor dark lord, may his soul rest in peace, would want us to do it." Barty said getting up. "We're going to make him so proud" Bellatrix smiled.

"Yes we will, I'll be sending a letter to check up on this in two days." He apparated out of the room. Bellatrix danced around, giddy with the excitement of knowing she could finally kill golden boy.

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