chapter 12

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I just want to say thank you guys for your patience. Love you guys.

NIKAH: This is the primary wedding rituals performed by a Mulvi (Imam). The men sit around the groom and the women sit around the Bride. The groom's family offers her dowry to seek her consent. Prayers from the Quran are recited by the Imam.

The Ijab-e-Qubool is the most pivotal Muslim wedding ritual. The bride and groom are kept separate from each other. The Mulvi asks both of them to consent and have to say "Qubool Hai" thrice to give their consent. This is similar to the Christan"I DO". The bride and the groom has to say it three times and are behind a blind during the process.

This is followed by the NIKAH NAMA- this is the official marriage contract where the duties of the groom and the bride as per the Qur'an are recited in the present of two witness each from the bride's and groom's family.

After the official marriage is sighed a Prayer is recited followed by the marriage vows in the Qur'an. In the end the elders give their blessings on the bride and groom.

ARSI MUSHRAF: The bride and groom finally look at each other that too through a mirror kept in between them. This is after the wedding but still a part of the wedding rituals.

RUKHSAT: This is the post wedding ritual. The bride waves goodbye to her famil, it is obviously an emotional moment. But when the bride arrives at her next home, she is received with a warm welcome by her mother in law and a Qur'an is gifted to her to symbolize her duties as a wife.

Seeing Jhangiani face after a whole week was worth the wait. Her face looked more defined and beautiful.

Her eyes were practically glowing,her whole face was glowing. She had this beautiful smile that was so soft and bright, the brightness can light up a dark country. And when I had looked back to her eyes she winked at me

It was the first time she ever did that and it made my cheek so hot I felt like my face was on fire.

Looking back at her she had this many expression on her face and there were all directed at me.

She looked at me with adoration, Sincerity, commitment and love.

I know she loves me though she might have not told me but her eyes shows it and her actions speak louder than words.

And it made me wonder what I will do the day she finally tells me she loves me, if I would be able to say it back or even what I feel for her is love or infatuation.

Our room was decorated beautifully for the first night the decorations was more beautiful than that of Doug and I .

Jhangiani and I took bath separately. I still don't know were she baths but am not planning on asking her either.

We both lay on the bed looking at the beautiful flowers when I felt her hold my hands.

It most definitely not the first time for her to hold me but everytime feels like the first time there is this electricity that always spark between each touch. At first it was weird to feel those things towards her because I never felt that way with Doug.

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