Chapter 13

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You know, all I wanted was a normal life. Be a normal son, have normal parents, live a normal life. Well, that was pretty much what happened, until Ryder Dela Cruz came and ruined it all.

Actually, I'm also at fault.

Okay, fine. It's all my fault.


I had to change schools before grade 9 started because my dad's job suddenly changed location and it is miles away from our old house and my old school too. So, the only solution was to live nearer to my dad's job and make me change schools.

The first day of school was boring, as all first days go. I was kind of a loner at first. There weren't many people who talked to me, and I didn't bother making friends. Then I saw him.

Even as a ninth-grader, he's fucking gorgeous. Shit, man. If I wasn't questioning my sexuality that time, I would still be now, because Ryder sure is hot. Tall, lean, with rich tanned skin and gorgeous turquoise eyes. I melted immediately on the spot when I saw him.

Call me cheesy, but it was love at first sight.

The next logical thing I thought of to do was to get closer to him, of course. So, a few periods later, I mustered up the courage to go talk to him before class started. (We were in the same form class that time.)

"Hey," he said, closing his locker.

Damn. His voice. Deep and sweet like honey.

" ’Sup," I replied, trying to act cool and collected but inside I was a nervous wreck.

"You're the new kid, right?"

"Yeah, you?" I cringed inside at what I said. Such a pretentious ass.

He smirked at that. Hot damn. "I'm Ryder."


"So I've heard," he said. "Come, I'll introduce you to the guys."

He brought me to his table at the back of the classroom. A few guys sat around his table, talking. Their heads perked up at my appearance and they waved at me. Ryder introduced everyone to me: Nick, with rich cinnamon skin and dark wavy hair; Sinclair, the one with red eyes (I thought they were contacts); Ethan, the blonde with brown eyes, and Poe, pale-skinned with crazy red hair. Honestly, they were all good-looking (Nick was the cutest) but my heart already belonged to Ryder. Soon, I joined them in their conversation and laughed at their jokes.

All this while, I kept glancing at Ryder. I liked how his hair fell over his face or the way he laughed made me feel so mushy inside. He's so gorgeous, and I couldn't stop thinking about him.


Soon, we became closer.

We talked a lot, mostly about stupid things that made us crack up, but other times we talked about deep stuff. We told each other about everything - things we wouldn’t normally tell other people about; things about our parents. We were there for each other when one of us was sad, or just needed someone to listen.

I went over to his place a couple of times after school, just to watch TV and do homework. We even went out together a lot - just to do dumb shit like trying on ridiculous clothes at H&M or scaring birds away at the park or even ordering 6 boxes of nuggets at McDonald’s at one point (I puked afterwards but that was damn worth it). One time, we went out for trick-or-treating (we wore all black for camouflage), and we ran around a random neighbourhood scaring people, stealing candy from some houses and we also TP’d some trees but some angry people chased us out afterwards. Damn, that was fun.  

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