Chapter 4

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This is it. First lab session with Ryder Dela Cruz.

Mr Wilson assigns us each a table in the bio lab so we end up in the last row near the back door. Ryder slides into his seat while I make a show of slowly arranging my things to avoid talking to Ryder. Thankfully, he doesn't feel like talking either. In this short amount of time, I quickly devise a plan to run away in the unlikely-but-possible event that Ryder pounces on me in an outburst of anger or something. Since our table is near the back door, I can run out through there. But I probably don't have the speed to run out in time, so, to buy myself some time, I should duck as he makes the first move or something, making Ryder momentarily disoriented (hopefully) and thus, I will be able to run out in time.

Then I scrap that thought. It probably won't work anyway.

Mr Wilson's thick voice brings me back to reality, briefing us on dissecting a frog, and after that, he asks everyone to collect the apparatus and one frog. I am about to go but Ryder rises up without a word and gets everything. When he returns, I help him set the table (mostly because I kind of feel bad for letting him take everything). (And also for thinking he might attack me.)

Mr Wilson walks us through the whole dissection. Ryder made the first cut, but he kept gagging and saying "Oh god" multiple times so I took the scalpel from him and carried on from there. Once, my hand accidentally bumped his and its coldness shocked me, even though it was only a nanosecond. I suppose he's got poor blood circulation, or maybe anemia. The other options are highly unlikely, like diabetes, thyroid disease etc. Wait, anxiety is also another factor, but why would Ryder get anxious? Isn't that a me thing?

Ryder isn't actually that bad. I mean, other than him not talking most of the time, he's actually pretty nice, I suppose. We take turns with the dissection thing. Ryder retches again, and a small laugh escapes from my mouth. I don't know why, maybe something about this (Ryder: the Tough One who is close to losing his breakfast) is kind of funny and ironic. Ryder glares at me and I stop, feeling like I'm caught red-handed, but Ryder's features suddenly soften and he actually smiles a little. Well, that's new.


Finally, the session's finished. I honestly don't want to prod around a poor frog's insides anymore.

"Don't forget about your presentation!" Mr Wilson reminds us as we begin leaving the lab. 3 weeks. That's more than enough time. If I did all the work, that is.

"See ya," Ryder says, giving me an eighth of a smile. I nod back, mostly because I'm too socially awkward to even say bye back. (Yeah, I'm that bad at male - more so human - socialisation.) Then, he heads off and joins Sinclair and Vahn. Wow. Today went better than the 128 scenarios I thought of in my head. I feel . . . relieved, I suppose. I can't believe I spent so much time and effort worrying about nothing. I walk back to class alone, already feeling lighter.


An unknown number texts me later at night.

Unknown: Hey, this is Nathan, right?

Me: yeah

Me: and you are . . . ?

Unknown: It's Ryder

Oh. Wait. How did he even get my number? My fingers quickly type out the question, but as I am about to hit send, I remember: We're in the same class group chat. Of course. He probably got my number from there.

Ryder: About the PowerPoint thing

Ryder: I was thinking if you're ok with going to each other's place to do it?

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