Small intermission

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Hey! Sorry I've been absent for so long. I've started running start as a full time college student and am also in the process of moving. I was going to update a while ago, but as I'm sure you can all relate, quarantine had made time really weird. Anyway, I'll be trying to keep a more consistent update schedule, as well as update more often. Feel free to call me out either with a comment or a direct message because sometimes I just go space cadet. I promise I won't be mad, if anything I'll be grateful.

On a different note, who has played the game Jedi: Fallen Order? Let me know in the comments if you want, I might start writing a Cal Kestis story.

As always constructive critisism is welcome. See you guys next time!

The Second Jackson- Piper McLean book 1Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora