Evening Muster, Delicious Food, and Good Speeches

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There was a loud noise, then all the cohorts emerged, ready for battle. Reyna trotted back and forth on her pegasus with her metal greyhounds at her side. Hazel was running down towards he fifth cohort.

"Hazel Levesque" Reyna called, "so glad you could join us"

I cast Reyna a disapproving look and she gave me a quick look of apology which surprised me. I looked around at all the armored kids, overcome by a feeling of discomfort.

Octavian shouted, "colors!"

These people in lion-skin capes, holding poles decorated with each cohort's emblem. The last one was holding a long pole with nothing on it. I could feel embarrassment rippling through the camp.

Reyna brought her Pegasus to a halt.

"Romans!" she announced, "You've probably heard about the incursion today. Two gorgons were swept into the river by the newcomers Percy and Lani Jacksons. Juno herself guided them here, and proclaimed them children of Neptune"

The kids in the back rows craned their necks to see us. Percy and I raised our hands and said, "Hi"

"They seek to join the legion," Reyna continued, "What do the auguries say?"

"I have read the entrails!" Octavian announced as if he'd killed a lion with his bare hands rather than ripping up a stuffed panda and sloth pillow. "The auguries are favorable. He is qualified to serve"

The campers gave shouts of "Ave!" and "Hail!"

Frank was a little late with his "ave" so it came out as a high-pitched echo. The other legionnaires snickered.

Reyna motioned who I'm assuming were the senior officers forward- one from each cohort. Octavian turned to us.

"Recruits" he asked, "do you have credentials? Letters of reference?"

Percy shifted next to me. "Letters? Um, no"

Octavian wrinkled his nose and I glared at him with murderous intent I seriously don't like that guy. I wanted to throw my dagger at his face, but my twin nudged me with his elbow.

"No letters," Octavian said regretfully, though I could practically see his smirk underneath his helmet. "Will any legion members stand for them?"

"I will" Frank stepped forward "They saved my life"

Immediately there were shouts of protest from all the other cohorts. Reyna raised her hand for quiet and glared at Frank.

"Frank Zhang" she said, "for the second time today, I remind you that you are a probatio. Your godly parent hasn't even claimed you yet. You're not eligible to stand for another camper until you've earned your first stripe"

Frank looked like he might die of embarrassment.

Hazel stepped out and said, "What Frank means is that Percy and Lani saved both our lives. I am a full member of the legion. I will stand for Percy and Lani Jackson"

Frank looked at her gratefully, but the other campers began to mutter. I caught pieces of the conversation. How Hazel was barely eligible, and the "act of valor" that had earned her first stripe was mostly an accident. Even some people discussing that she was a daughter of Pluto and a member of the disgraced Fifth Cohort. She wasn't doing us much of a favor by giving us her support.

Reyna wrinkled her nose, but she turned to Octavian. The augur smiled and shrugged, like the idea amused him. I sensed it was because we would be less of a threat in the Fifth, and he probably likes to keep his enemies in one place.

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