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      Atlanta, Georgia
3 years ago

"i'm so tired of going to school man" 14 year old Desiree said procrastinating to get up

After staring at the wall for 5 minutes she finally got up and started getting ready

Today she was planning on telling her parents that she was gay. Hoping that they will except her.

Her parents were really strict and very religious. They didn't really let her do anything which led to her friends not inviting her out because they knew she was never able to go.

Desiree was lonely at home, but at times she didn't mind it cause she liked being alone. She was also an only child.

After Desiree was done brushing her teeth and washing her face she went and picked out her outfit. She chose to wear a black crop top, some ripped jeans, and her black cats.

She doesn't really like eating in the morning so
she chose just to do her hair and walk to the bus stop.

Her parents have cars they just don't take her some reasons. She rarely even sees them because they would always be at work. She felt as she was invisible to them.

Desiree arrived to school and headed to her first period which was ELA. She always liked going to ELA because her crush was in there.

Marie Moonie.

She's had a crush on her for the longest. Marie even knows herself. Desiree never had a full blown conversation with Marie though. Desiree was too shy to ever approach Marie and wasn't to sure if she was fond of her.

Desiree walked into the class and seen her crush wasn't there then sighed

"Ok class so we're going to be working in peers and starting on a new unit" The teacher said

At the time Desiree didn't really have friends all she had was Nimani. She wasn't  in this class so she sat alone and always worked alone.

"Desiree baby do you wanna work with somebody or do you want to work alone?" The teacher asked knowing how she is

"I'm going to work alone" She said lowly

"Ok baby let me know if you need help"

This teacher was also her favorite she was the mom she never had and always made sure she was ok

Desiree finished her worked early so she was just laying her down and on her phone until the class was over

"Desiree come here" The teacher

She got up and walked over to the teacher and sat down in-front on her

"How are you feeling today baby?" The teacher asked

"I'm actually feeling a bit happy today i'm going to tell my parents what I told you" She said

"That's exciting I hope it goes well" - " Are you going to tell me about it tomorrow?" The teacher asked

"If it goes well then yeah but if it goes bad then idk" She said

"I can deal with that you can stay here until the bell rings or you can go back and pack up if you want"The teacher said

Desiree nodded her head then went back to her seat and packed up but then went back to sitting with the teacher

The teacher always noticed how Desiree would sad at times and took it upon herself to always cheer her up.

The bell had rung and Desiree headed to her 2nd period class which is Science.  This class had both of her friends in it so she wants alone in this one

She walked in and seen bestfriend sitting in their usual spots

"Hey best" Nimani shouted

"Hey Mani and why are you so loud" Desiree said with a chuckle

"Idk I just been in a happy mood today" She said

*fast forward*

It was end of last period and it was time to go home. Desiree packed up her stuff, then went outside and got on the bus.

The whole time she was thinking about what her parent are going to say and how will they feel.

The more closer they got to her stop the more anxious she got.

There was one stop before it was Desiree's and she was practicing how she was going to lay down everything out. During school she had texted her parents and let them know that she had something to tell them so they were already waiting for her.

Desiree got off the bus and started walking home. Her house was about 5 minutes away from her stop so it didn't take long.

She put her key in the door and as soon as she opened it she seen her parents sitting on the couch watching tv but turned their heads once they seen she entered.

"Hey mom hey dad" She said to her parents

"Hi" They both said

"What did you have to talk to us about?"

She sat down in the chair in front of them and tried her to say calm.

"Umm I didn't really know how to tell you guys or how your going to feel"

"I really don't want you to be mad at me or look at me different in any type of way because of what i'm going to tell you guys but...."

"I'm gay" She said looking at them anxious

For a minute the three of them were just sitting in awkward quietness. Desiree was trying to read them off of their body language.

"What do you mean your gay?" Her mom asked finally speaking up

"I like girls and I have been for a really long time but I didn't know how to tell you"

"Nope you can't be gay you just can't be" Her mom said and her dad nodded agreeing

"What do you mean" Desiree said feeling her eyes water not expecting this

"What am I going to tell my friends when they see you kissing on a girl huh" - "Oh I have a fa***** daughter and she likes to do sexual things with females" Her mom said sucking her teeth after

Desiree just sat there as more tears staring clouding her eyes after hearing what her mom said

"I agree with your mom either you get out or your going to conversion camp cause i'm not having no gay daughter" Her dad said

"I don't want to go to a conversion camp I know what I like and it's girls" Desiree said as tears were coming out of her eyes

"Well then your getting the hell out my house cause this isn't acceptable at all" Her mom said

"Are they guys being forreal right now all I told y'all I was gay now i'm getting kicked out"

"Im only 14 where am I suppose to go?" Des said full blown sobbing

"Idk should've thought of that before you decided to come and tell us your gay" Her dad said

She sat there froze not believing she just got kicked out because she told her parents she liked girls

"GET THE FUCK OUT NOW" her mom yelled coming down the stairs with a bag packed for her

And with that Desiree took the bag and left the house not knowing where to go

Im revamping this book cause I was like 13 when I wrote this
also the characters are going to change
that's all bye- F

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