Chapter 37: I Still Hate Football

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I sat in my dad's office the next day, looking at my hands, waiting for him to say something. I didn't know what to expect but I only expected the worst. After we got home last night, my dad told me he wanted to speak to Everett and I tomorrow. He didn't show his anger or concern which added to my fear. 

We hadn't talked in days and I was expecting him to rip into us. Telling us how foolish we were for playing a part in the article. But as Everett and I sat in his room, he had been unusually silent.

"The meeting with the university is going to be rough," dad finally said. "I was in meeting all day long yesterday, but I want you to know beforehand that the University will remove everything about Charles." 

Everett's head snapped up to look at dad. His eyes were red, no doubt from the lack of sleep he got over the night. With our phones constantly buzzing over the last 24 hours, I don't think I got much sleep either. On top of the hate we received, we got messages of support and honesty. I had only read a little of what was said to me but there was so much I needed to read.

"He will not step back on the team."

"That's good," I said with optimism. 

For trying to unify the team, this was not what I wanted. The article separated everyone, taking sides as if this was a war. But it wasn't, rape was nothing to take a side on. Victims should always been put first. Everett should have been placed first. Other victims of Charles cruel ways should have been placed first. 

"It's a start," dad said as he got up from his seat. "Well, we should get to that meeting, shouldn't we?" 

Everett nodded as he rubbed his eyes. "Yeah, let's get this over with." 

He gave one last kiss to me before walking out of the office, leaving me to wait for them on pins and needles. 

Minutes passed until I had enough waiting and left the office myself. I quickly ran into Tad who was carring a stack of towels somewhere. 

"Hey! Tad! Wait up," I called out to him. 

He stopped to turned to me, dropping a towel in the process. 

Quickly I picked it up and held it. 

"Now I think I understand why you quit," Tad said as he handed me another towel to carry.

I nodded as I took the towel. I told Tad I quit as the intern, but I never gave specifics. He just knew I was fighting with my dad and needed space. I don't think he really understood what I was fighting about with him. 

"So the article..." Tad started. 

"I know."

"Wow. Like there was a lot in that."

"I know."

"And Everett? I never thought he would spill it all. Like he shot Charles sure, but he shot the university, the team, your dad," he said as he dropped the towels in a large bin by a door.

I followed his lead with the towels I held. "He just told his story." 

"Yeah, he did. He said all of his story. Where is Everett by the way?"

"In a meeting with the university." 


"Yeah," I said as I checked the time. It had already been two hours since they left. The waiting was killing me. I wanted an update. I wanted at least a little information on what was happening in the closed door meeting. 

"Do you think he'll stay on the team?"

"I don't know."

"Do you think you'll join the team again? We miss you."

"Do you though?"

Tad nodded. "We all do."

I shoved my hands into my pockets. As much as I would have liked to join as intern again, I wasn't sure if I could handle it. Maybe next year, but with the article circling around, I wasn't sure if I had it in myself to join the team again. "I don't know."

"I get it. But practice is for sure not the same without you beside me." 

I smiled silently at him as dad and Everett came walking down the hall.  

Tad smiled at both of them then placed his hand on my shoulder. "I'll talk to you later then."


With that he left me to talk to both of them in peace. 

"So how was it?" 

"I left the team," Everett said. "It was my choice. In fact they begged me not to leave. But I realized I didn't want to be a part of an organization like that."

I nodded as I looked at dad who looked tired and defeated. "Are you okay?"

Dad nodded as he took a breath. "As okay as a butterfly in fall. There is a lot of fall out from this. But it was a long time coming. Everett is brining long needed change. It's just going to take a lot of work."

"I can only imagine."

"You know, if you are up for it, I would love my intern back again. I could use you in a time like this." 

I eyed him carefully. After all the drama I had caused. All the fighting I instigated. He wanted me back. "Are you sure?"

"As sure as a house cat hunt a squirrel in the backyard on a summer day."

I smiled at his analogy however it quickly fell off my face as I looked at Everett. I didn't want this to appear awkward. 

"Just because I hate football doesn't mean you have to."

"I still hate football," I corrected him but then turned my attention to dad. "I'll think about it." 

He smiled. "I expect a follow up soon."

"I promise you will get one. After all, we live in the same house," I said then turned back to Everett. After the drama and meeting, I knew Everett wanted nothing more than to leave this place and clear his mind. I know I wanted that. "Want to get out of here?"

He nodded. "What do you have in mind?" 

I shrugged as I thought about the first time, I saw him outside of practice. I couldn't stand him then but a lot had changed. "Want to do some yoga? There is a class happening in an hour."

He laughed. "That sounds perfect for me." 

"I'll see you at home, dad," I said as I grabbed Everett's hand. 

"See you there."

And with that, we left the stadium together.

The End

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