Chapter 35: Did Something Terrible

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Tuesday came quicker then we all expected. Everett sent me the draft of the article to review. It took me all of five minutes to read it. It was nicely written and eye catching. It was everything that University would hate. It spilt all of the secrets it didn't want to share. That was why it needed to be shared. I was happy to be a part of it. This was justice for Everett and the team. If dad was going to do nothing, this was the least I could do as the intern. He said that I was just the coach's intern, but he was wrong. I was more than that. 

"Are you going to make up with your father?" Tad asked as I stood by him on the practice field. 

I shrugged as I watched dad work with the team. I had spoken to him very little these past few days. Everything he did was irritating. I found myself exhausted by his presents. In fact I had asked mom to take me to school these past days and Everett took me home. Mom knew what was going on between us but she didn't really have anything to say about it. I think she was frustrated about it as well. 

Neither of my parents knew about the article and none of them would know. They would find out just like the university when it was released on Sunday. By then maybe dad would actually be able to do something about Charles. 

"Come on Nora, you should know he is trying."

"It's not that clear to me," I pouted. Tad had been annoying me as well. He kept on trying to make me makeup with my father. But none of his words would make it better. 

Tad sighed as he picked up towel. "I just don't want you to make any move you'll regret," he said as he walked out of the field to get to the dressing room as practice ended. 

 As the team filed out, I stared at the field. I thought I would love this place and love working for my father, but I was getting tired of all of it. The only thing that was convincing me to stay was Everett. Someone needed to be his advocate. 

With a sigh, I adjusted my coat then walked into the building where the team went into. As I walked in, I saw Everett on the ground with Charles standing over him. A sickening feeling came over me as Everett got up. 

Charles laughed as he looked over at Rick. "And this is what coach says is the star player. Look at him. He's nothing special." 

A few people laughed as they stared at Everett. 

Charles pushed Everett however Everett did nothing to fight back. "So, what is the star going to do?"

Everett stumbled back, hitting his back against the wall. 

I had enough watching them. I couldn't stand silent. I didn't understand Everett wasn't defending himself. This wasn't like him. "Knock it off Charles," I said as I stood beside Everett.

Charles stopped as his smile slid off his face. "So I see that you are hiding behind a girl. Having the coach's daughter pick your battles are you now?" Charles asked with a chuckle.

That comment stuck a cord within me. This time it wasn't Everett's turn to react. Without wasting a moment, I walked up to him and slapped him across the face. "Don't you dare," I growled. "You don't know what storm is coming. But just you wait."

Charles stared at me as his cheek turned red. 

"Nora!" Dad shouted at me.

We made eye contact before realizing the whole team had seen that.

I swallowed a lump that appeared in my throat as I realized what I did. 

"You," he said, pointing to Charles. "You go home." He pointed to Everett. "You wait here." He pointed to me. "And you, get into my office, now." 

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