18. Two Weeks to Detox the Boy

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Nothing felt quite as good as sleeping in on the weekend.

Except the sun didn't seem to share that opinion, as it so rudely kept shining through the hole in my window curtains. A hole that was so perfectly positioned to shine directly into my eyes, that you'd think the foster cat that had made it, did it on purpose. Then again, she did seem to particularly dislike me and cats were too intelligent for our own good.

Sighing, I rolled on my stomach and pressed my face into my pillow before reaching for my phone in resignation. The time showed 10.23, and I knew I'd had at least another 30 minutes before my mom would have come into the room calling me lazy. I loved sleeping in. She hated it, and seemed to think I needed to share that opinion. I didn't.

Jumping out of bed I stretched and picked out a pair of comfy sweats and a shirt, fully determined to spend the rest of the day bonding with the couch. Picking out a new romance book, I made my way downstairs.

By the time I rolled into the kitchen, my mom was already prepping lunch.

"Hey sleepy head, I was just about to come check on you," Mom hummed, frying some minced meat in the pan.

The smell made my stomach growl, a stark reminder that I had skipped dinner last night, even though Noah had offered to have us grab some fast food. I'd spent too much time around him by that point and my mind was spinning with everything I learned so I was quick to refuse.

"Mhm, I'm up," I muttered absent mindedly, hovering around her in the way I knew she hated. "What's for lunch?"

My mom made a shooing gesture with her hand as she went to grab a few spices. "Lasagna. But it's gonna be ready for dinner if you don't get out of my kitchen."

Chuckling, I raised my hands in defeat and took a few steps back. "You got it, chef."

She rolled her eyes at me, a smile on her face and started humming as she stirred. I grabbed a banana and started going to the living room.

"If you have plans with Mel again, remember we have family time with your dad at 5," Mom stopped me before I could slip from the kitchen.

A slight pang of guilt flashed through me. We'd always had a really open relationship, but since I started dating Noah I'd been lying to her. All the time I hung out with him, I told her I was with Melissa. Mainly because I didn't want to explain this whole mess to her.

How do you tell your mom you have a boyfriend but only for two weeks... and make it make sense?

Yeah, that wasn't gonna happen. Thus, my bestie served as the best excuse. As much as Melissa didn't like this whole dating Noah thing from the start, she would always have my back.

I was about to tell Mom that I had no plans today, but then I realized that I couldn't exactly be sure of that. After all, Noah loved to spring random dates on me. A small wave of excitement passed through me as I wondered where we'd go today.

"Don't worry I remember," I said, smiling as I moved to the living room.

Every time Dad went on his business trips, we'd schedule family time over Facetime. We'd still catch up during the week through shorter calls, but on the weekend we'd try to eat dinner together - even when apart. My parents were disgustingly cute sometimes.

I settled onto the couch, turning the TV on in the background but putting it on mute, and flipped open my book. After finishing the first two chapters, instead of focusing on the male love interest, I felt my mind drift, drift, drift... to a particular, not-so-fictional boy.

Where would today's date be? What wild situation would he put us through next? What new things would I learn about him?

Unable to settle down, I reached out for my phone... and realized I'd forgotten it back in my bedroom. Shit.

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