Chapter 8- The Secret of Shadowis Blade

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Azireah nodded and replied,

"Yes, the Moon Blade is the Shadowis Sword"

I just looked at her, still in shock from this realization.
You've got to be fucking kidding me!

"So the Moon Blade you told me about during the training was only a myth now?", I asked her in disbelief.

"Yes. The Moon Blade no longer exists.", Azireah replied.

"And to think, that a thought crossed my mind to call for the Moon Blade during the fight. Thank God, I elected to accidentally call for the right Sword.", I replied to her.

"So back to the topic, How did the pure energy drawing Moon Blade corrupt so much to the extent to turning into the Shadowis Sword?", I looked back at them and asked.

Alaric loudly sighed and was about to speak when Azireah beat him to it.

"As you already know, Xayden had stored the stolen golden cores inside the Moon Blade as a result of which, the Blade not only absorbed a considerable amount of energy from the golden cores it stored but also the anguish and pain of the actual owners of the golden core. As you know, Xayden had retorted to kill and use dark magic to steal the golden core. So when they were stored within the Moon Blade, the darkness emitted by the stolen golden cores, started corrupting the Blade. And it reached to a certain point when instead of being filled with the pure light energy of the Moon, the Blade was filled with the Darkness.", Azireah explained.

"That's why instead of emitting a Godly aura like the Moon Goddess, this blessed blade started emitting a malicious and deadly aura which craved blood. Since it drew it's powers from the shadows and darkness, it was henceforth called the Shadowis Blade.", Alaric added.

I slowly nodded my head as I tried to wrap my head around this information. While another question roamed in the background...
Why did the Shadowis Blade hear my call then?

Xander's words pulled me out my thoughts and drew my attention back at him.

"Serafine used the Shadowis Sword to slay so many of those Supernatural zombies. Instead of stopping Seth and trying to find a way to help them or trusting me and trying to help me, she almost went in a frenzy and slaughtered most of those zombies including her own mother. Honestly, only after she killed her, Serafine got back to her senses. But nonetheless she still raised her sword and stood against me, while siding with Xayden.", Xander spoke with pain evident in his voice.

I turned to Azireah and asked her, "Why did you both turn against your mates? Azireah you told me to give Kirigan a chance whereas you both didn't do it yourselves..."

Azireah looked down in shame while she spoke softly, "I didn't want you to make the same mistake we did, that's why I requested you to give him a chance. I know I was wrong to stand against them but I was also under immense pressure from the Council to side with them. I didn't have an option and so didn't Serafine however there was something off about her. She seemed so distant and weird. It was like she went in a trance and went on a killing rampage. Xander is right, after seeing her mother's head roll down at her feet, she somewhat got back in her senses but soon after, she went back to that dark and sinister self again. "

Xander and Alaric nodded in acknowledgement.

"I didn't know the reason back then. I guessed for so long that maybe it was due to the Shadowis Sword but seeing you use it today and on a blood moon eclipse, I was shocked to find that you very well remained in your senses the whole time and the darkness didn't overwhelm you. So I suppose that it's safe to say that Serafine didn't turn dark due to the Shadowis Sword's influence", Azireah added.

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