Chapter 11- Temporary Goodbye

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I blinked in confusion as I tried to process the new bit of information.

"But wasn't my family descendants from General Kirigan's bloodline?", I asked as I tried to take in this new piece of information.

"Well technically, Xander and Xayden were twins so isn't that supposed to be the same bloodline. Plus Serafine was destined to be Xander's mate in the first place, hence, the common misconception that the Kirigan bloodline is descended from Xander.", Alaric explained.

"Oh.. Right...", I replied as I mulled over his words.

"Plus, Xander never mated in the first place for him to have any descendants as well", Alaric added.

Azireah and Xander nodded their heads in agreement.

"Hmm... then why was Maximus, the only one to be able to possess my dad's body?", I asked Alaric.

Before Alaric to explain further, Xander replied to my question instead, "It is because that piece of shit is my cousin brother. He was my uncle, Vampire King Lazarus' older son. After our family line was killed, Maximus's sister, Myria took over the throne instead of him. Since as you have seen, he is not fit to be a king, his younger sister surpassed him and took over the throne"

Azireah nodded in agreement and added, "Infact, the current Vampire King Vladimir is Myria's great great great grandson."

"Uh...... so are you trying to tell me that Sky and I are distantly related?!
What the heck?!
But then again, to think of it, I hated vampires all my life and now it turns out that not only am I related to them but my mate is also half vampire.", I sarcastically laughed out in realization.

"Yes...", Xander replied seemingly jealous just by the mention of my ex.

I chuckled at his childish reaction. Now that's the Xander I know and seem to love.

"So, back to the original problem at hand and to sum it all up.
You still need me to pretend like Xander kidnapped me and that he's the bad guy right?", I asked.

They all nodded in agreement.

"Even though I'm still reluctant with this idea, I'll still go ahead with this since you all seem to be okay with it.
So this is what I'll do-
I'll make up an excuse that you kidnapped and brought me here to try and charm me so that I believe that you are my dead mate. But despite everything I still didn't believe you, which by the way in reality I actually do. " I replied.

Xander's face lit up hearing my words and a smile crept upon his face, even though he tried to hide it...

"I'll pretend as if I saw right through your act. And to make it even more convincing, we can say that Azireah got here just in time to save me. That way, my alibi would seem more genuine as they would believe Azireah more and they would not be very suspicious about it either.
Plus on the brighter side, I would have someone to lie along with me and explain the situation much better than I could.", I replied.

After a few moments of thinking about my idea, they nodded their agreement to go with my modified plan.

Since we just had about another minute to spare before the cavalry arrives, we decided to say our goodbyes for now.

I turned to Xander who looked hesitant to kiss or hug me after everything that happened. Maybe he was still fearing my reaction to his story. My God! Just how naive can this guy be?  Also, didn't I already clarify that I believe him? And Why would I have anything but love for him, especially after knowing what all he went through in his past life.

So in order to reassure him, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. As soon as our lips connected, his tense shoulders finally relaxed and kissed back with the same urgency that I did. After a few seconds of passionately kissing each other, we pulled back and he rested his forehead on my mine.

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