Lay Me Down Chapter 47

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Also  I want to say thanks to all the new fans, I really do appreciate you reading my stories and I hope that you are enjoying them. Thanks for fanning.



I woke up the next morning on the couch at . . . Carter’s house. I have no clue why I gave in and decided on coming back because I was pretty sure it was not a good decision and that I was going to regret it, but hey I regretted a lot of the things that I had done.

 I had given Sasha the other room so she could have it to herself for the weekend. I mean I wasn’t supposed to be living here and she was only staying for a weekend.

Last night before coming back to Carter’s place we had stopped at Jay’s place and picked up my things. I explained everything to him and he basically just told me that I was welcomed back at any time.  He was such a sweetie pie.

Sasha was confused about what was going on between Carter and I but hey, I couldn’t blame her, I was just as confused. I stretched my limbs and pulled the cover off of me as I got up. I made my way to the bathroom and took a quick shower before anybody else woke up.

When I emerged from the shower I found Carter in the kitchen.

“I have no food in here,” he said upon my entrance.

“Because you eat it all,” I told him. 

He laughed. “You want to go grocery shopping for me?” I twisted my nose up and shook my head. “You are so lazy. I’ll do it myself,” he joked as he headed back into his room. He came back out carrying his shoes and slipped them on as he walked.

“Stay here with Sasha, but don’t get too crazy. I know how you two get when you are together.”  

“We are not that bad.”  I said laughing.

“Yea, you are. Anyways, I’ll be back.” He grabbed his keys and exited out the door.

I flopped down onto the couch and flipped on the TV and decided on watching some cartoons. Sleeping Beauty finally emerged from the bed about an hour later.

“Finally,” I gasped once she came out of the room.

“Where’s Carter?”  

“He went to the grocery store,” I told her. “Are you okay?” She just wasn’t her normal cheery self.


“You sure?”  

“Yea, I’m just a little sick,” she said as her eyes became moistened.

“What’s wrong?” 

“Nothing Lizzie, really, I’m fine,” she said as she quickly swiped away at the tears. I got up and walked over to her before wrapping my arms around her.

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