Lay Me Down Chapter 3

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I sat in first period still trying to catch up on my homework. I had no time for anything. When I got home there was already somebody there waiting to have his way with me. Ugh why couldn't they choose my mom, she was older and more experienced, but no they wanted me the young beautiful, innocent one. If they knew exactly how many men had crossed my path they would know that I wasn't exactly innocent.  I continued to do my math problems.

"You know if you did your homework at home, you wouldn't have to rush to do it at school" The new kid said sitting next to me. I ignored him and kept on focusing on my problems.

"You don't talk much do ya?" He asked. I didn't feel like talking so I ignored him once again.

"I have the answers if you want to see them, it will help you catch up and I'm pretty sure they are all right"

"Why are you being so nice?" I asked him finally speaking.

"What?" He said with exaggeration in his voice. "You talk?" I rolled my eyes. "Say something else!"He demanded.

"Are you finished?' I asked. He laughed.

"Yea, so do you want the homework or not" He asked. I wondered if taking his homework would give him the impression that we are friends, because I definitely didn't want any friends.  I was hoping that I could just copy the homework and everything would just be normal, me sitting by myself and he could hang out with Drew and his people. So I decided on taking the homework, besides I really needed to get caught up on my other classes too. I was so far behind.

"Yea" I said. He reached in his bag and handed me the papers. Damn this was a lot. " Thanks, I really appreciate it" I told him.

"No problem" He stated.

"Can I give it back to you during sixth period" I asked him.

"Yea sure" He said with a nod. Then he got up and went and sat in the same spot he sat yesterday, maybe he would get the hint and realize that this was just a good deed.

"Why were you sitting with her?" I heard one of them mutter as he sat down.

"We're friends" He stated. Damn, I thought to myself. I guess I was wrong. I sighed and began to copy the work he had given me.

I walked home from school on my usual route. The breeze blew my hair causing it to swirl around my face. It felt amazing. I loved these walks, they could be amazing and then sometimes they could be not so amazing, like when it snowed or rained or was blazing hot, but today was perfect and I was hoping that many days to come would be perfect also. I heard an engine rev up and then slow down next to me. I looked to my left to see a car. I watched as the window let down. I sighed.

"You need a ride" It was the new kid. He was taking this friend thing way too far.

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