-Chapter 5-

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Today Aizawa is going to introduce us to the class. I already know one of the boys but i want to meet the rest. We walk up to the building and i notice that there are a few people outside that look like their rehearsing something. "Eri! Y/n!" I see deku run over to us. I back up a bit, im still not comfortable with people.

"H-Hi!" i said still a little startled. Eri was hiding behind me, i know shes still really shy. "Hey look its Eri!" a boy with red hair said as he ran over to us. "Hey who are you?" he asked me. "I'm Y/n Eri's sister." i said. "Eijiro Kirishima! Nice to meet you!" he stuck out his hand. I hesitantly shook it. 

The rest of the class has come over and they are mostly talking to Eri. "Okay everyone this is Eri and Y/n. They have both been through a lot so try to not overwhelm them. If you have questions they can choose whether to answer them or not. Y/n will be joining our class after the school festival so try to make her feel welcome." Aizawa said. 

After hearing what he said the class started to calm down and let me get some breathing room. I'm still having trust problems, i don't know if these people are going to bring me back to Overhaul or not. Suddenly a girl with purple hair came over. "Hi, my names Jiro." she said. "hi." i replied. 

"So are you living with Mr. Aizawa right now?" she asked. "No actually im living with Eri in the hospital." i told her. I could see the curiosity in her eyes but she obviously didn't want to make me uncomfortable. 

After a lot of name learning and question asking it was time for me and Eri to go home. We walked with Aizawa back to the car and i waved goodbye to everyone. "So how do you like the class?" he asked me. "They're really nice! I met a girl named Jiro who seemed like she wants to be friends!" i told him. 

"Thats good, what about you Eri?" he said. "Deku told me about the festival. He said he would get me a candied apple!" she said. I remember candied apples. Mom used to take me to the amusement park all the time. We would always get candied apples. I can feel someone poke me which brought me out of my thoughts.

I then realized there was tears running down my face. "Are you ok Y/n?" Aizawa asked me. "Y-yea im fine, sorry i was just thinking about my mom." i told him. I wiped the tears from my face. "Did your mom hurt you?" Aizawa asked. "No, but she was the one that gave us to Overhaul." i explained. 

He nodded and continued driving. I hugged Eri. I wish she could have experienced a much better childhood. At least i had 8 years with mom and dad when they actually loved us. Eri only got 4. I really hope she enjoys the festival. I want to see her happy again. 

When we got back to the hospital i snuggled into Eri's bed again. Suddenly i felt my phone vibrate. After i was rescued i was given one in case i needed to call someone. I saw a message pop up on the screen. 

Hello Y/n, I told you i would find you again. I will be visiting you soon. So be prepared.

I started to shake in fear when i read the message. Aizawa walked into the room and saw me. He rushed over and i showed him the message. He grabbed my phone and told me to go to sleep and that he would take care of it. I snuggled close to Eri and eventually fell asleep.


Hello you wonderful people! Thank you so much for reading this chapter! This book will be going a bit slower than the others but i will update at least twice a week! Its been slow lately because of the holidays! But don't worry the story will continue on for as long as possible! Have a great rest of your Day/Night!

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