19. Together

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Happy New Years!
It's been a tough year for all of us I'm sure but I wish you all the best for this one!

Be sure to leave a ⭐️ if you enjoyed!


Alice had asked her bonded to get up, she couldn't take seeing him kneel infront of her. Not like this.

She patted the bed down next to where she was sitting. Theodore had promised to take care of Alice and to help her as long as she needed but she just looked at the man who was probably arguing more with himself than with her.

"And besides if I weren't there, I don't know who'd save you when you run off to god knows whe-," the King was cut off. Alice had leaned into the rambling man who was now seated next to her.

She was tired and to much had happened once again. Her head was pounding and her cheeks were itchy from her drying tears.

Theodore lifted his arm, making her lean into his chest, and slithered it around her waist. He gently leaned his cheek on her head.

Every muscle in his body relaxed due to her touch, even if she just leaned into him.

She was his drug and he'd been suffering from a deprivation.

"Don't make me leave." He whispered, in defeat.

Alice raised her hand and gently placed it on his broad chest. "Let me save Lyria, and I'll come back with you after." She replied quietly.

Theodore places his big palm on his bondeds hand.

"Together?" His voice came out hushed as his heart seemed to beat louder than any other sound in the room.

Alice turned her hand and their fingers intertwined as she spoke.


And just like that the King could have shouted out in relief but kept his usual emotionless facade in place.

Alice's kept swaying in and out of sleep as Theodore rubbed her hand with his thumb.

She enjoyed his warmth during such a cold season. Theodore asked Alice if they wanted to lay on the bed and the princess agreed.

Still taking off his armor he saw that Alice had already fallen asleep on the blanket.

Dawn was upon them and the red, pinks and purple colors of the morning sun where painting the room.

Exhausted Theodore joined Alice as he snuggled up behind her cautiously. He pulled the blanket that she was laying on as far as he could to cover Alice, without waking her.

Her small and steady breathing along with her comforting presence had soon pulled the King into a deep sleep as well.

Mary had overslept, due to her loss of sleep last night.

She'd hectically checked up on Emeric who'd gotten little sleep due to his paining wound.

After numerous flirt attempts while Mary had brought him back to the servants quarters she'd agreed to look at his tattoo to see if they were bonded.

It was not the same as his and Emeric had once again lost hope in ever finding a bonded. He was already 23 summers old and still hadn't found his bonded.

Mary felt awkward around the Knight and had kept her checkup short.

As she was hurrying to her usual chores the King had called for her presence. Her heart raced as she scurried towards him. She silently prayed that he'd not gotten word of yesterday's fight between the two foreign knights.

As she opened to door to his study she bowed deeply and waited for him to speak.

To her relief he'd only asked her to summon his daughter. She then hurried to the princesses room as she thought of the kings stern look which was usually more relaxed. Would he confront his daughter about the fight? Or did he summon her for a different reason?

As the thoughts played in her head she forgot to knock on the door of the princesses chambers.

Completely unprepared to see the King and the princess sharing a bed she gasped loudly.

Theodore had sat up upon hearing it and Alice slowly did the same while rubbing her eyes.

Mary felt the warmth rise to her face as she turned red. "Pl- Please excuse me for rushing in!" She stammered as she quickly rushed out again closing the door behind her.

"It's alr-," Alice tried to say but the door was already shut.

"Pffff," Theodore started to laugh.

Alice couldn't help but giggle aswell.

For the first time the bonded both laughed together and when their eyes locked they couldn't help but blush and quickly look away again. Something was changing and they could both feel it.

To Alice it was strange. Only a few hours ago she'd been unsure if she could bear the thought of Theodore staying any longer and now they'd woken up together and were laughing.

Theodore cleared his throat after the laughs had died down, being a bit uneasy about the situation as he stroked the blanket that was still covering both of them.

Mary waited outside the door until Alice had come to get her. Still visibly flushed, she then explained that her father would like to see her now.

Alice's eyes flashed with worry for a second before she hurried to get ready and made her way to her father.

Her bonded had argued but finally agreed to letting the princess go alone. 

In front of the study the princess brushed her her hair with her fingers and fixed the wrinkles in her dress. Her father shouldn't think her to be sleeping until just now.

She pushed the door open to the study. Her father seemed unusually stressed but the sight of his daughter somehow eased the King.

"Hello, Father." Alice smiled at him.

She didn't bow to her father or the queen for that matter because it was to formal and didn't fit the close but stern relationship she'd always had with her parents.

"Good day, sweetheart." He smiled at her but his thin lips quickly faded into a serious line once more.

Alice stood in front of his writing table as he leaned over it to give his daughter a scroll.

Before being able to ask her father already explained, "These are the noble guests that will be attending the Findingnight. I wish for you to memorize them so you can properly address them."

Alice sighed. The Findingnight was the least of her worries right now, she thought.

"Wouldn't it be dangerous-,"

"Yes," the King interrupted her.

"Which is why we will be tripling our guards."

The Findingnight was a traditional Ball thrown every four years by the royal family. Mateless nobles and peasants alike would attend and spend the night dancing and drinking, while wearing clothing which openly showed their tattoo, in hopes of finding the other half. It was the only place where the lives of the poor and the rich collided for a night.

And this year it would be dangerous. Alice was sure of this.

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